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2nd game finnished + quick question + i dont think ill get GH3/Rock Band

Thats right im done motorstorm. i thought it was great, very time consuming but great :P the reason i think its time consuming is because i decided i was gonna get first in every race lol, and i did :o but then again thats the only way you get the last ticket to the last event, which is plainly named "Apocalypse" lmao :lol: i really liked the game play in MotorStorm, it was simple, but hard to master, and just about all of the crashes in the game were spectacualar lol. but i really wish they had a replay system/ screenshot system, cause there was this one time where i was in a racing truck, and had just gone off of a ramp, and i paused really quickly, looked around my car, and inches underneath it was a biker :lol: that was something ill never forget. and im actually okay with no real modes in it, the racing by itself is just fine imo. so i dont really want to go into lots of detail so ill just say i give it a 9.0. i really thought it was a great game, and ill never forget MotorStorm :)

anyways, now ive decided i want to play Rainbow Six Vegas first instead of Resistance, because for one: i kinda wanna play a tactial shooter, dont ask why:| cause i dont know :P and two: i already beat resistance so ill beat it some other time, most likly after im done with all of my other games, same goes for daxter

and my question, will seem like a n00bish one, but i can not figure out how to get picks onto blogs, i wouldnt mind putting up some screenshots of the games i just beat in my blogs so, yeah if you know could u comment here or pm me? thanks guys :)

i dont think ill be getting Guitar Hero or Rock band for a couple of reasons now

1)I can play real guitar

2) i need the money for other games (considering both the games with the equipment are going to be $150+

3) me and my friends are starting to jam a bit together so, i kinda have a band lol

4) the buttons on the guitar for Guitar Hero arnt the same size as a real fret on a guitar, so i always miss the buttons

so yeah thats my "excuse" lol ;):P

so hows everyone been doing, i trust that everyone is haveing a hell of a time, and getting ready for the November game reasese (i can only remeber COD4, Haze, Uncharted, Assasins Creed, Rock band and tommarow Guitar Hero lol) personally i wanna get Assasins Creed for sure, ill have to see the reviews for Haze, Uncharted, and COD4 before i get those, but i still think they look great :) also im getting (hopefully) warhawk on monday (tommarow) cause thats when EB games most likly has a new shipment or so they say lol, and with it (sinces its only the disk, and is $39.99 i think) ill get Shadow of the Collosus. again, "hopefully" :P and i just saw that God Of War 2 whent down in price :o $39.99 Yayy, but i still think ill get it when its a greatest hit lol, cause then its like $20 or so lol, yes i know im cheap :P oh wait, i just remebered Best Buy has these things where you can buy 2 greatest hits games for like a little over $20 so i might wait for that...hmmm.... so many choices lol so i guess ill do that and save my money for the November game relaces.

well ill be leaving u guys till my next blog, possibly a "i beat socom" blog :P and sorry its kinda long lol :oops: talk to you guys later :D untill then, keep on gaming ;)

I need a cure, and quickly people!!

My friend is becoming a 360 fanboy!! quick, how do i make him a gamer again!! im not kidding. the other day i told him my thumb was hurting from playing to much socom, and his response was "that sucks now you cant play Halo" instead of "that sucks now you cant play games" i need some help, and maybe warhawk would help too...hmm... oh well thanks everyone. oh wait i forgot to ask how people were doing latly, and i sadly miss MacRuckus, who recently left gamespot. Play on dude, play on...

Well, i said i'd make a blog if i beat a game....

And i did, i beat a shooter that will go down in my books as one of the best of my life, Halo 3 :) I went to my friends house and we played though the campain in less than a night, the first half on legendary and the second half on heroic (cause it got insanly hard lol). Id say this game has an amazing story, but i was a little dissapointed about some things. Like how the ads sorta didnt relate to the actual game lol. i wanted to do a giant fight with tons of guys (talking about the ad that had the model of the battle, and the brute holding up Master Chief and his assault rifle, i really wanted to be in that battle, too bad it wasnt there lol) one thing i really liked was fighting the scarabs. Dont worry people that havent played the game and dont want to have anything gave away, im not spoiling it. in fact it showed a scarab in the review that they had killed so im sure most people knew already about that.

Lets face it, the graphics were amazing, the new weapons/vehichles were kick @ss and the story is epic. what i dont like is how short the story was. it seemed really short to me, and i think it could have been way longer, and more epic. but i guess it seems short to me cause we played Co-op and we pretty much swept though it at points lol. anyways i would have to give Halo 3 a 9.5, keeping in mind that i never got to play online, so im rating it based on campain, splitscreen, forge, and the other featurs (like the new armor and the theater. the theater always brought back good times, even if they were only and hour old lol)

I can now say... I FINISHED THE FIGHT! :D and now i have to finish the festival in Motorstome, talk to u guys later :)

Oh man, this is gonna be hard...

Okay well, i didnt get to play halo 3 because microsoft doesnt deliver on weekends, and he still doesnt his 360 back. oh well, at least i have my PS3 to retreat to for a while :D Still dont have a warhawk, but i found something i can do to satisfiy my gaming hunger for a while. A couple days ago i started playing Motorstom again, and now im really getting into it. Ive desided taht im going to try and beat all of my games again or for the first time :oops: (first time i mean games like oblivion, i kinda just put that down for a bit lol) So im gonna start with MotorStorm (cause im stuck in Ninja Gaiden, stupid Alma greater fiend lol) then move on to Resistance on Hard difficulty (to get my FPS skillz all polished :P) then im gonna try NGS again and if i still cant do it then move onto R6V campain, try NGS one more time before i get into Oblivion (kinda wanna save it for last cause i know its gonna take forever lol :P) as for the PSP when im supposed to go to bed usually i cant go to sleep so i end up playing Socom for an hour or two...or three lol :D so start with that, then GTA Lib city stories, then go back to Daxter (havent played that in forever lol) the finnish the last few races in Ridge Racer lol, the finally im gonna try to beat PoP: Revelations.

im pretty sure u can tell i wont be on much only to say that i beat a game or something lol but yeah if i dont comment on ur blogs much im sorry and ill try to do all this at once lol. k time for some motorstorm :D

Peace 8)

When Microsoft calls...

...PLAN A WEEKEND OF HALO 3!!!!!:P:D;) My friend finally got a call from microsoft saying that he was gonna get his 360 sometime his week probly wednesday or thursday, so hopefully they do get it then, cause then i finally get to play Halo 3!! Yayy!:P Nothing really new didnt get warhawk :roll: hopfully soon. also i hope that The Orange Box gets a good score. it comes out tommarow! again Yayy! :P and now i need to go to bed cause i got a science test tommarow :roll:


Weekend plans, no blog till after weekend

Well schools boring, gamings awesome, and im hope fully gonna get Warhawk this weekend. My friend needs to go to the store to pick up his 360 so that we can play Halo 3 (FINALLY! :P) and if im with him i might buy warhawk while im there. Not sure yet. Also im thinking about getting GRAW2. Could anyone recommend it, or not reccomend it and please tell me why. Thanks! :) have a great week guys;)

Okay, well, for one, compleatly disreagard what I just said in my last blog

lol i fixed the Wi-Fi right after i finished writing the blog, but i was way too busy trying to get my rank up on R6:V to make a new blog, sorry guys :oops: and i was also busy playing my NEW GUITAR!! Yes thats right, i now have my new guitar Epiphone les paul studio(i think its studio, w/e) about $540 i think along with my new amp, which is 30 watts aparently :roll: i think its 60 but the guy i think was trying to get me to buy another one that was way higher in price, w/e. also since i am kinda starting a band with my friends (with no drummer, what a band ;):P) my dad went ape $hit and bought me a mic as well :roll: didnt really want it but its okay with me lol :D (forgot to mention that i can sing, and quite well) yeah thats pretty much it sorry i havent been posting on ur blogs, im not gonna be on here that much anymore, i have lots more things to do lol but ill try to get on here when i can


This s*cks...

Well for one im gonna be on here less often now, im way to busy all the time but ill keep posting on ur blogs and hopefully play online with anyone that has a PS3 and next year, 360 ;) this leads to the thing that sucks. my PS3's Wi-Fi thingy isnt picking up the router that i have in my basment (where my PS3 is about 15 to 20 feet away lol) so im not able to go online. but im trying to fix that. ill see everyone online once i do ;) later 8)

Back from my break on gamespot...

I kinda took a break from gamespot so that i could get on with school and other things so now im back and have 20 friends instead of 55. I got NGS which im addicted to, but i still really want Warhawk. And another game flopped, Heavenly Sword only got an 8 but i still think thats prett good, gonna rent it probly along with Lair. Also (btw this is huge;), brace yourself) im thinking about buying a 360. Im gonna keep my PS3 but there are some games that just rock on the 360, such as Gears, Bioshock, and then theres always Halo 3, not to mention countless others. Ill probly wait for like another year or so then buy it when its cheap along with some games that im interested in. but im still gonna focus on the PS3 more so. Other than that theres not much new. ive decided that im gonna save most of my money for the games that are comming out so the only games that i really want right now are Warhawk and GOW2. Also im gonna sell all of my old ps2 games (except for GOW;)) so that will hopefully get mesome money and then im gonna buy my guitar, which im getting probly next week end if i can get my parents to drive me to the guitar store lol, then go out and buyWarhawk (and FINALLY have a mic) then im still gonna wait for GOW2 to go down in price and i mean$30 at least. Well thats all, high schools boring as hell, and im gonna go post on ur blogs then go play some PS3 :)


Yes thats right im doing a clean out, but for the people that posted on my last blog, dont worry, you'resafe lol:)

anyways on the topic of what i missed...what did i miss apart from the release of Warhawk and Lair ?:| Warhawk looks great, really amazing, and im picking it up as soon as i can, but LAIR... ill probly rent it before to see how it is.Also im gonna change my PSN ID cause im getting a ton of sh!t from people and usually i wouldnt take it but i can see where their comming from lol (XX2cool4uXX) anyways, im gonna change it, dunno what its gonna be, but when i get a new one ill just add all the people that i had before with a message telling them its me.

Now im also not busy, apart from school :x but im gonna be posting on other blogs alot more now.

thats about it, my trip was good, thanks to the ppl that said bye ;) and im gonna be off now


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