You know, it seems like it could happen. I mean the original FFVII for PSN and XBLM, and then a remake for the PS3 sounds fair. It seems like it could very well happen. I remember my friend getting Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo off of the XBLM the other day (which is fun as hell, dont diss :P) and I believe that was on the PS1 as well. So this is plausable. And anyways, its kinda fanboyish not wanthing the 360 to get it (I see lots of people complaining), it just means that other people who didnt play the game when it came out, or dont have a PS3/2/1 for the game, just get to enjoy the marvel that is FFVII :D
The first time a turned my psp on! Seeing the colours and potential of the system, classic.psp_mtness
Oh dude, yes it was the same for me. I have always loved the presentation of the PSP. I remember getting it with Daxter and feeling so excited. I played Daxter so much I beat it in a day and a half. God that game was fun... :)
Well I think its about convinence cause I've noticed that when I turn it off through the menu, I can turn it back on using the PS button, but when I press the I/O button to turn it off, I have to press it again to turn it back on. So, whatever floats your boat I guess :| :D
I was wondering what some people thought of GRID. I still havent downloaded the demo, but I have been looking into it for some time. I was wondering how long it is, and if it is worth a full purchase, because right now I have many games to beat, and I think I'm going to hold out for some time before I buy this. But what about you? What do you think?
Oh wow, what you guys have said makes me want to go out and buy the games right now, and play them none stop until I beat them! But, unforutnatly I need to have this project done for school soon, and if I dont get it done by the weekend I cant go paintballing with my friends! I am very very excited to pick these games up now. Thanks to everyone! :D Oh and I will play them in the order of MGS, MGS2, MGS3, and MGS4, so I hope you guys were right! :P I'm sure you are. :) Thanks again! (so excited:P)
So I have never played an MGS game, and I've recently been looking at MGS4 and thought that it could be very good. I've also heard the MGS series is one of the best in gaming history. So I decided a couple days ago, once my school was done with I was going to go out and buy the Essential Collection Box Set of the MGS series, and I know that MGS3 came before MGS1 (the storys timeline) so should I play these games in the order of MGS3, MGS, MGS2, MGS4?
Sorry man, if you havent thought about it before, shooters dont usually work with on analog stick, and it seems that the PSP has only one. So sorry, but no, please, no more shooters on the PSP, because i wont buy any until a new PSP comes out with a second analog stick. :(
This is the first GTA game that I have actually gotten into (I've played others, but just really fooled around it them), and I have found it to be quite enjoyable. What you really have to do is mess around between missions, it lets you get on with the story, but you take a break every now and then. Or you could go online sometimes, which I have found to be very very fun. It seems that this game has gained a "Love or Hate" relatioinship with gamers. The game is very good, with lots of value and great production, but if you really just dont like the style of game it is, you are not going to like it. So I'm sorry to hear that you didnt enjoy GTA IV, but give it another go. I found it boring in the beginning, and now I cant keep my hands off of it, because Niko starts to become such a likeable character, and the situations that the Bellic's get into are sometimes gut wrenching, sometimes hilarious. So please, before you make up your mind, give it another go. :)
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