Ad-2cool4u's forum posts
Put a CD in your HiFi and turn it up... :roll: ... I wish Sony would put some time in to this in-game XMB support. I hate getting messages saying "%%%%% wants to chat" while I'm playing a game. CellAnimation
yeah i wish that i could view messages ingame and chat in game it would help so much, and for the topic on the forum, i just turn off or turn down the music in game and i listen to my iPod or my Stereo... :)
Right now i can think of...
Killzone 2
Star wars: the force unleashed
Resistance 2
and Infamous (if its out in 2008 *nockes on wood, and crosses fingers*)
wow pretty damn big thread, anyways i call my ID PSN ID, its Prepared2Panic, add me, i need some friends :P
Am I with you? No, I couldn't possibly be less with you. You were betrayed? Why, because they are trying to deliver the best possible product?:roll:
I would rather wait for Haze then buy it today and have it be an unfinished mess. Delays suck, I'll give you that, but to dismiss the game because of the delays is, to me, retarded. If you're actually willing to write off the game because the developer needs more time to deliver a good product then I don't know what to say. I'm willing to bet that you would be one of the first people here complaining if the game was crap because it was rushed.
I want Haze to be as good as possible because I think it has a lot of potential, and even though I wish I was playing it now, I would rather wait then be disappointed. I hope the team takes the necessary time to polish Haze up to it's potential, and though I'm bummed I'll be waiting longer, I'm still interested in it and I'll still pick it up when it comes out.
i agree wiht you compleatly :)
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