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Gaming Stereotypes

With the advances through the gaming industry we now have a series of genre’s, enough to keep all of us happy.

But who plays what genre? I’m going to try and answer that question and hopefully have a few laughs along the way.

The FPS addict

Name: Sn1p3R

Favourite Games: Unreal, Quake, Call of Duty, Doom

Least likely to say: “Hey, can’t we just talk this over?”

Most likely to say: “Pwned

Dress sense:

These gamers are the ones that get all giddy and excited when a new Doom, Quake or WWII shooter is released. Armed with their favourite weapons they explode onto the internet looking to kill, sorry ‘frag’ as many people as they can. Sadly FPS aren’t known for their high intellects as alias’s normally consist of a mixture of alpha and numeric characters, and sometimes even symbols. Yeah, you’re so smart, after all, it’s so much harder to type Sniper than 5n1p3r, I mean what kind of name is that? Surely as children they must had access to defected “alpha – betty – spaghetti”, and instead of learning to write with just letters like a regular person, they grew up with numbers as well.

Over all they are a good bunch, just don’t expect them to tell you they lost a round because they were not as good as the other players, most likely it was fault of the level, ping, servers, mouse batteries run out, didn’t have my favourite weapons and the age old favourite, they were cheating.

Community Spotlight and beyond!

Well it turns out the Community Spotlight now shines onto me, which is nice, so a thanks to who ever decided to let me have my moment in the sun. :)

I've also decided to enter the Developer for a Day contest and have already began working on my project. Hopefully you will all have as much fun reading it as I am creating it.

I also found out today that some of my banners were picked for the game pages here on Gamespot so another bit of nice news for me today, hope you guys like them and i'll be submitting some more shortly :)

Also one last note before I go, a lot of people have asked me wether or not they can use the banners I created (see previous blog post.) Simple answer is yes, use them to your hearts content. I originally made them for the Gamespot game pages but should you wish to use any of them, then feel free :)

Multiplayer Reborn?

With the news that emerged from the weekend regarding some more Revolution information, it has been claimed that the new console from Nintendo will use a similar feature to its latest handheld, the DS. The ability to play multiplayer and only needing one copy of the game.

Now at first I thought it was just another good feature, which it is. But now I’m thinking that this little feature could turn out to be something big.

I’m looking at the news and thinking that this will mean online play as well, after all, if you’ve got a game at your house, and a friend, odds are you’ll just go split screen, and while the benefits for it being offline only are there, they simply do not weigh up to the possibility of it affecting online.

Just think what this would mean, first off you would not need to rent a game to try it, simply log into Revo – Online and your away.

Secondly it would no doubt increase the sales of some games. Take for example Super Smash Bros, sure a lot of people will be getting this come launch day, but what about those who don’t? Will they be able to resist its allure after a four hour multiplayer session, while not even owning the game?

This could turn out to be one of the nicest new features with the Revolution and if things really go to plan just think we could be witnessing the flip into the real next generation of gaming. A new controller style, multiplayer with out the game, a downloadable back catalogue spanning ten years plus. I really hope Nintendo get this right, because if they do the possibility is there for anything to happen.

Rev to outsell the Gamecube?

After the recent comments in which Nintendo claimed the Revolution would be a failure if it didn’t out sell the Gamecube I’ve seen all manner of comments being thrown around.

First off I think that the comment was not that of worry, but of confidence for the system on the whole. I mean its simple business sense to want to improve on your last product, and even with the N64 and GC I’ve not seen Nintendo get behind them in such a way as they have done with the Revolution.

But anyway, back to the question at hand, will the Revolution be able to outsell the Gamecube?

Myself I think yes, without a doubt it will, but there are some things that will help it along the way and some that could hinder it’s sales.

To start with I think the best decision Nintendo can do right now is put up the strongest line up they possibly can. This will go a long way into meeting their targets. It’s all rumoured that a Mario, Metroid and Super Smash Bro’s will be part of the launch and I can’t see no reason why not, but for me there is one game missing from the rumours that would seal my buy right here, right now.

Back in E3 we were shown a game for the Gamecube, yes you know the one I’m talking about, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Now at the time it was said that this game would be seeing an end of year release, which was great news, but as is the case with most games these days a delay was announced and the game put back to spring 2006.

Now, I own a Gamecube and do look forward to playing the game on my little purple block, but what I would enjoy more is playing it on my Revolution on launch day.

For me Zelda: TP would be one of the games that if available on launch day would see the Revolution really push ahead with the sales and hopefully (for Nintendo anyway) beat the Gamecube sales and try to make up some ground on the competition.

Sure it would almost devastating for a Gamecube owner, but I really do not see the logic in what would be releasing possibly one of the games of the year on a system which is pretty much dead (well by spring 2006 anyway) when you have a new console which could show of the game in all its glory and boast that one of the game of the year contenders is one of your launch titles (not sure if any GoTY winners have ever been launch titles?)

So, for me putting Twilight Princess as a launch title would definitely help the Revolution, not only in making up numbers on the Gamecube, but also on the ‘360 and PS3 (assuming the Rev will launch last.)

That’s my next point, this next generation will no doubt be one of the closest and toughest to date, and should Nintendo want to catch up on the market it has lost then it really does need to put its strongest business head on and act. I mean it’s all well and good promising a Revolution, but delivering on your word is another thing all together.

I do think the Rev will catch up with the ‘360 and PS3 but not perhaps for all the right reasons. Sure there will be those who right now side with Sony or Microsoft and will be buying the Revolution, while not currently owning a Gamecube.

But the other fact is that gamers on the whole are a rather fickle bunch and will have to own at least two of the next generation consoles, but here’s the interesting point. To me the ‘360 and PS3 are very similar consoles, where as the Revolution looks like the odd one out. What I do believe could happen is that owners of either a PS3 or ‘360 could find themselves also owning a Revolution. It could happen, but we’ll just have to wait and see, but if it does occur, then surely the Revolution would outsell the Gamecube.

I’ve sort of waffled a bit from the main point, but overall my verdict is: Yes it will outsell the Gamecube, why? Because Nintendo has learnt its lesson the hard way these last two generations.

Welcome to sports game 2076!

Every year without fail you can bet your left eyebrow that there will be a plethora of games released with a title ending in a date. It’s just something we’ve come to expect now, but do we really want or need them? 

First of all I would just like to clarify that I don’t have anything against the games, I own a lot of them myself, but now that’s out of the way, let’s get down to business. 

When you think sports title you will no doubt think of the Fifa, Madden series to name but two, I’ll just use these two games as an example. Both of these franchises have produced great games but when I look back in my collection I see a whole selection of games, all baring the same name but with some slight difference. 

Madden 2000
Madden 2001
Madden 2002
Madden 2003
Madden 2004
Madden 2005

Now, I do have to admit I have enjoyed playing each of these games, but what I will admit is that I feel that these games probably shouldn’t have all been purchased. If anything, at least three of the games were impulse buys as I felt the need to have the next game in the series as it did offer just enough to be considered a purchase. But even with updated team rosters and slightly improved graphics, there’s often hardly any new content.

Seriously though, even with updated rosters, a few changes in control and slightly improved graphics, does it really warrant a new game? 

Now many of you will be saying that the changes are enough, which in that case then that’s fine, if that’s what you’re looking for in a game then you are in luck, as there’s plenty on the market to suit your needs. 

Surely any other genre would be slammed into the oblivion of gaming crapness if there were new games in the series less than a year apart with only slight changes.

So do we really want a new game every year with slightly new improvements, or would it benefit us (the gamers) more if they were every two or three years. Things like rosters are important to players and this reason alone normally forces me to buy the new game, simply because I am a big sports fan, but surely these rosters could be available for download should we wish? All of the next generation of consoles will have online support so I see no reason why not. 

Then while we continue to play through our latest edition of our favourite sports title, the parts of our brain that stores everything gaming will be safe in the knowledge that somewhere a group of developers or working on creating a really good sports title instead of a bit of last years game with some improved graphics and other small additions.

Perhaps it is just me, but I don’t get the same feeling from picking up a sports game now as I do when I pick up another game. Normally I feel excited at another game to pit my wits against, while with a sports title I don’t really think anything, it’s like a sort of numbness that you get when you buy a new DVD and put it on your shelf not to be watched for the next six months. 

I know it would never happen, but what if every time a new Madden games came out the fans of the game all went “wow, that looks great” just like when we saw trailers for the Xbox ‘360 madden. Instead of the “oh is it that time of year again.” 

The developers will never allow it though, as while people continue to purchase their games they will continue to make them. I’m not going to slate them for it, that’s just business. 

But some new innovation every now and then would be nice, or at least something new that will change the way I play sports games, that will hopefully give me the same enjoyment as another genre I enjoy, say RPG. Perhaps I’m asking for to much, but I don’t think I’ll be buying the next set of sports titles, maybe I’ll wait for a year or two so when I do pick one up again, at least its all new and fresh again.

So, what now?

I was amongst those who upon seeing the Revolution was excited, curious and perhaps a little bit cautious. I’ve always been a fan of Nintendo and regardless of what fans of Sony or Microsoft say, Nintendo have made some very good games over the last generation or two.

When it was first unveiled at E3 all the talk wasn’t about the games, the hardware, the price or anything else you would expect to follow the unveiling of a new console, but it was the controller that was shrouded in mystery. So, as I sit back and watch my E3 coverage I am quite happy to see some of the games for the PS3 and Xbox 360 as some of the games I will probably end up buying, but what concerned me was that while Sony and Microsoft and the developers that were supporting their systems had time to showcase some of the games they were going to offer. We have to remember as well that it wasn’t just a few games either, but there were bucket loads of next generation titles for the PS3 and Xbox’360 and nothing for the Revolution.

No problem I thought, Nintendo like to keep things secretive, maybe they are saving them for TGS later this year. Anyone who saw the coverage of the Tokyo Games Show will know that there weren’t any Revolution games on display, but instead the controller was revealed to the world, which is a start I suppose.

So, without getting into a controller debate, I’ll leave that point there and get onto my main point. By now, with what is looking like under one year before launch of the new system and the most important one in Nintendo’s history in my opinion I do find it quite alarming that I have not seen any new games yet.

We’ve been told that there is a Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles game in production, and also that there are a few other titles in the works such as Mario and Donkey Kong whom being big name Nintendo franchises were always likely to feature on the console.

But perhaps by now it should be time for Nintendo to unveil the games, simply because they cannot rely on the Revolutionary controller to bring in the gamers. While it will no doubt attract a few new comers to Nintendo’s side, but the bottom line is that a lot of people are fickle and unless they see some games with sparkly new graphics and the likes they’ll simply forget about the Revolution and stick a pre order on the PS3 or Xbox 360.

What’s more worrying is that Nintendo are looking likely to release the console 3rd behind the ‘360 and PS3. Now although this doesn’t sound like to big a deal but imagine E3 next year. The ‘360 will be demonstrating it’s second instalment of games which traditionally are some of the best on the console as developers are finding their way with the new hardware and also the time it takes to develop the game. We also have to imagine that by June 2006 the PS3 will also be released, which will mean that the E3 next year Sony will be throwing out all the big guns and showing of their 2006 line up.

I’m not one to care about technical specs of a console, to me it’s just worthless numbers, all I care about is the games and as such Nintendo have not delivered yet. The new controller design is interesting but without any games it’s just that, a new controller.

Even a few screenshots of some of the upcoming games, even just one screenshot of five different games would be enough to appease the masses and also generate some hype behind the console.

Perhaps I shouldn’t really be worried about Nintendo’s ability to release some top quality games, but one thing that does concern me is the lack of 3rd developer support. Now I know from the press conference at this years E3 that Nintendo claim to have support from a handful of 3rd party developers, but past experiences have me worried slightly.

If I’m jumping the gun then fair enough, but I sincerely hope that Nintendo release some information about some of their games shortly, if not for anything but to get some hype out there amongst the gamers who are on the borderline of buy it, or not buy it.

I think if Nintendo is to continue this way then it could end up biting themselves in the foot, the controller has been released now, that secret is out and now is the time to demonstrate some of the games on offer and put the minds at ease on the 1) the capabilities of the console and 2) the support of the console.

Gaming Legends: Tomb Raider

The Legend That is Lara

Lara Croft, more notoriously known for an over sized chest rather than her heroic adventures in some quarters but with Lara there is one thing for sure, heads will turn.

Back when the game was released in 1996 the gaming public were treated to something that wasn’t present at the time, that being a female heroine that beats the bad guy and saves the day.

Despite the somewhat raised eye brows over the larger than normal chest size, Tomb Raider delivered an adventure game that sealed the player away and took them on a journey where they would have to use their wits, cunning and brain to succeed. The many puzzles dotted within the games levels brought a somewhat welcomed change from the traditional kill bad guy to succeed level.

Saying that the game was all puzzles would be wrong, as anyone who’s ever picked up a copy of Tomb Raider will clarify. Armed with her now iconic twin pistols Lara travels the levels of the game using any means at her disposal to get rid of that pesky bad guy, or dinosaur in some cases.

After the success of the first game many sequels followed and while some were of the quality we had all come to expect from Lady Lara, as of late the Tomb Raider series has been below par. With the last few games not meeting the expectations of fans many have questioned whether the series has what it takes anymore, luckily the next instalment of the game is shaping up very well from all accounts, and that’s a good thing as one or two more terrible performances would no doubt see the series in very deep trouble.

Some will argue that Tomb Raider is not at the top of its game, I would be inclined to agree with them. With a series like Prince of Persia producing quality titles it will be hard for the team behind Tomb Raider to reclaim their spot at the top.

As for what lays in the future, well the new title, Tomb Raider: Legend will be released on the Playstation 2 early into 2006 while a port has also been announced for the Xbox ‘360. Here’s hoping Legend will have what it takes to once again grab the audience and throw them into an epic adventure.

The two films that have been released based on the games have been very good as far as game to movie ports go, and both have been recognised by fans as a job well done, at least the film side is going well at the moment.

So, nine years on since the first release and despite things going a bit pear shape there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s hope that the future delivers or as stated above, the series will be lost amongst the quality titles of the same genre.

Tomb Raider, you are a legend but you have a bit more to prove in some quarters.

Gaming Legends: Resident Evil

The Birth of Survival Horror

During the year of 1996 the Playstation was on its way to becoming the ultimate console of its era but while the Playstation was still very young at that point the year also saw the release of what some will argue as one of the defining moments of gaming history.

Resident Evil burst into our living rooms and with it we were entertained with an action adventure title that puts you in control of a member from the special tactics and rescue squad or S.T.A.R.S for short. With zombies the least of your troubles you traverse the deadly mansion armed with your trusty shotgun blowing away anything that sort of lets out even the slightest groan.

With the release of Resident Evil not only did we witness the birth of one of the great gaming franchises to date but also the birth of the Survival Horror genre. Some may argue Resident Evil started it all, and since then it’s laid the way for other games in the Survival Horror genre such as the highly acclaimed Silent Hill series.

Despite other games dabbling in the genre that is Survival Horror, none really do come close to taking the crown off the Resident Evil series, simply put it is the daddy.

What also is worth mentioning is that Resident Evil also made watching computer games fun. Many people while not fancying themselves as a Resident Evil fan can quite happily sit and watch someone else play through the game.

Many sequels have followed since the original, across many formats and even a few remakes. While some do not quite live up to the name and in some cases don’t deserve the title Resident Evil on its cover art, over all the majority of games have been worthwhile.

With thirty two titles out there branding the name Resident Evil, all be it a few of them are of the same game but for different formats there is a big enough variety of Resident Evil to go around.

The last of the series, Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube is without a doubt one of the best titles in the series and despite it being a good few years waiting for the players it has once again strengthened the brands claim as one of the best franchises around. The game has now also been released for the PS2 and it’s just as good as the GameCube version, be sure to give it a go.

While it looks like that Resident Evil 4 will be the last of the series to make its way onto this generation of consoles, with a Resident Evil 5 already announced for the Xbox 360 it is looking like the Survival Horror giant will continue where it left off.

It is not just refined to the console scene though as a remake of the original game released back in 1996 has been announced for the Nintendo DS and with versions tipped for the Sony PSP as well, it seems there is no stopping the series with the games more

It is worth mentioning that while the series is best known for its games there have so far to date been two films released branding the title Resident Evil. Despite having mixed reactions from fans the films are viewable, just don’t expect an exact replica of the games storyline, if you are a fan of the films then you’ll be pleased to know, a third is in the pre production stage at the moment.

Resident Evil is the first entrance into my gaming legends hall of fame.

One more turn, one more turn, one more turn

Civilization IV has been released and being a fan of the series I simply cannot wait to get my hands on a copy.

I've read the IGN review which scored the game 9.4/10 which is obviously good news, although i'll wait for one or two more reviews to appear before I give comment, (although i'm going to buy it no matter what any review says)

So, the next game of the series has arrived and it looks like i'll be muttering the immortal words of "one more turn" once again.

Here's to one of the greatest series' ever created *cheers*
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