Wow, this thread is a goldmine for hate. Alot of strong and potentially offensive remarks.
Aero5555's forum posts
I'll just provide you with a small excerpt. My first impression of Saudi Arabia was this: Since we moved to Saudi Arabia, all of our stuff had been transported via a container. When we finally got our stuff (and the Saudis made sure we weren't smuggling anything that's deemed haram (anything that is forbidden by Islamic law)), a rather large amount had been destroyed or ruined. Stuff had been pissed on, **** on, trampled on (black footprints could be seen), pictures had been torn up, and so on. We were lucky according to others, however. I am just glad my parents hadn't taken any wedding pictures or other such valuable memories with them. Oh, and the best part? They had no right to go into the container as my family enjoyed diplomatic status but those ******* still did. Savage scum. I am getting angry just thinking about it. So my terrible memories from that country. This paragraph cannot convey how ****** up our "welcome gift" to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was.Hexagon_777
First of all, what year was this? Our Customs and Immigration offices were absolutely HORRIBLE in terms of recruiment and service up until the 2000s. So I can understand. I was honestly in full agreement and empathy with your situation until I read the "savage scum" bit.
I'm sorry but as the gentleman below your post said please don't make it sound like we're the worst country in the world outta your own personal experience. Global media has given us enough bad publicity as is (the way they work is that they only nitpick the negatives, talk from a liberal-standpoint, and think that since we're "different" we're automatically "wrong". Psychology).
I can only hope people on this forum take your post with a pinch of salt. And before (or if) you reply, sorry but I'm not here to debate on the "Liberal VS Conservative" struggle in the country. I'm just here to say that you could've made your post less stereotypical because it'll offend people. Me included. Thanks.
I mean seriously, forget pics, old TV shows, songs and memorabilia. Whenever you look at those sure you do get nostalgic and thrown back. But do you actaully feel like you're re-living the past?
For me, thanks to my serious devotion to gaming up until my last years as a teen, whenever I play a game now which I played back in the day I get thrown into this vibe where it's as if I'm inside a capsule and everything around me transforms into what it was back when the game was new. It's as if I've literally travelled back in time. This also happens when I watch old video game reviews (the Happy Game Nerd's reviews especially). The box art simply pops up and I can actually recall seeing the box on display at the store back then. What adds to the nostalgia is that the store I recall could be one which is now closed down. I never get as nostalgic as this with anything else.
Do old games do this to you too? Or something close to it?
Rainbow Six is pretty good.
I have to disagree. The PSX port was barely passible even back then. Now it's pretty much unplayable IMO.
Clock Tower 3 on the PS2. That "barrel of acid" scene is forever burned in my memory. I've never been freaked out by a game as much as during that scene.
Retro-wise, Mortal Kombat 3's fatalities on the SNES. I still recall the night me and my bro played it for the first time. He was so freaked out by the fatalities at one point that he literally hid behind my back when the CPU was in a "Finish Him" mode.
Pretty much any "revolutionary" FPS before Goldeneye. I'm not a fan of FPS games but Goldeneye was something else back then. Haven't liked another FPS since.
RTS games like C&C as well.
Thanks for confirming. Yeah it's probably a glitch or the list hasn't been updated beyond database. I had the game back when it was new but back then I wasn't fond of the challenge so I gameshark'd it. The reason I bought it is because I barely remember it past being very impressed with the premise. Wish they stuck with this formula for the 3rd Birthday.
Booted it up last night while Dead Nation was downloading at the back and so far I'm having fun with it aside from uneven boss battle difficulty spikes (currently beat the first boss). Though it's gonna take the backseat now thanks to my PS3 backlog of games.
I heard about Parasite Eve 2 being available at the store for purchase and went into the "P" section of the PSX Classics catalog to buy it but it wasn't there. I then looked for the game via the search function and to my surprise it popped up. Bought it and downloaded it.
How was it only accessible via a search and not listed on the catalog itself? Has anyone using the Euro store experienced this before?
I was gaming online on PES 2011 awhile back. And at the team selection screen I get a text msg notification on the top-right bar. Those who've played PES 2011 know what what bar I'm referring to. Anywho, the text literally read "**** (my country). (my race) are animals. Long live (his country)". He then proceeds to select his country as his team. The censor had literally blocked the first word with four * but it's obvious what he was saying. I laughed, didn't text back (I don't text on the game anyway) and just gamed on. He then disconnected from the match about 10 minutes in. Again, I laughed.
Funny thing is, I ran into the guy about twice after that incident on the same day via the Friendly Match option and he did the exact same thing everytime.
Well man you might not like my answer but it's because it's not really a productive hobby (BTW I wouldn't call watching TV as a hobby!) I have been playing video games since Atari and let me tell you, if I could go back and get all those hours back I would. Not that I feel it was time wasted, I enjoy video games, but I feel that there were better things to spend my time with.
Nowadays I am more inclined to do something else with my time, I like building furniture and working on cars..those are two of the hundred things I wished I would have focused more time on than playing games. Not to say I don't play now, I am playing LA Noire and obviously I love coming on this site to see the new games and talk about some of them...but if I buy three games a year that's a lot.
I will say this about the younger video game players of today, a lot of them take them way too seriously. When I see kids talking about "skill" in video makes me glad I am older. When I was a kid we played and there were always the kids who were better at games..but no one really cared. Now you have people chasing these dreams of professional gamers
Wow, you just summed up my feelings on gaming now that I'm older. You read my mind. Quoted for truth.
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