Aero5555's forum posts
Exactly why I plan to make 3 saves eventually: Main, before the "point of no return" (which I assume is the final boss of the disc), and before "Eyes On Me".tjoeb123Actually it's after "Eyes on Me" by a bit, there'll be a few things you have to do after the song plays that's unrelated to facing a boss (but part of the plot). The point of no return will be after you're instructed to go face a boss at a certain location, that's the game's way of telling you "Please start level grinding now!". I should also note that even if you go to the location of the boss in question you'll still be able to return to the world map and do whatever you need to do as long as you don't go as far the boss' quarters (which is pretty far away from the entrance of his/her location).
I know it's 10 years too late to change it, but why couldn't they have just made a disc change necessary (to 3) when entering old locations?tjoeb123They wanted to add difficulty to a battle system that becomes exploited and makes you over-powerful by that point in the game. Other than that reason, if you put a certain factor in then if they did allow you to go back to towns it would make the game illogical (you'll know what I mean when you get there). The only difficulty I found at Disc 4 was beating Omega Weapon (an optional boss who's one of the strongest in FF history), luck and card items are the key. I may be mixing up the name with Ultima Weapon though (both are optional, but only one of them is on Disc 4 and extremely difficult to beat).
Boy that game was fun but hard as heck. The plot is one of the greatest I've ever witnessed in an RPG.I really like the boxart for Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete on the PS1
Somewhat wrong/incomplete timeline, the game takes place near the end of KH1 and during and after CoM and right before KH2. I'm against playing it before KH2 simply because the game is meant as a revelation onto what went on between the end of CoM and the start of KH2. Playing it before beating KH2 will kill the suspense.I should add that if you also have a DS and an intention of playing that Kingdom Hearts game (358/2 Days), you should play that after CoM, but before KH2 (it takes place between those 2 games).
You should use earplugs, the ringing will get worse as time goes by especially if you practice with your band consistently and it may also become permanent.only after i practice with my band, i'll have it for a few hours. i don't have any earplugs or anything.
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