As far as I can tell the Blu-Ray drive failure can only be repaired by Sony. My cousin had the exact same issue and the retailer he got the console from had it sent to Sony's local branch for a replacement and a fee.
Lived my life. I really don't get what the big deal is. It's just a normal day like any other. You can party/have a resolution/start over anytime you want as long as you're alive.
I've had lots of instances where Christians preached to me about their faith (I'm Muslim with Christian friends). Take it with a grain of salt and just move on, preaching is a part of every religion. Being aggressive about it sometimes can't be helped. In those instances it really depends on the person being preached on. Just listen to what he has to say and if he insists just tell them something like "Thanks, I'll keep it in mind" and it will probably end it there. If not then just repeat the statement again and express your annoyance with their aggressiveness (though it's never reached that far with me, they apologize for any intrusion after the preaching ends in most instances, very polite).
Even though it's inferior to fans when compared to the PSX original it is without a doubt a must-play. Borrowed it from a friend only days after I got my Wii (never had a Gamecube).
Buy both and play/beat CoM first. I beat the GBA CoM before I played KH II and enjoyed it alot more thanks to that. The fact that you have access to the PS2's version of CoM makes even more of a no-brainer. Have fun!
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