Aero5555's forum posts
In order to avoid "falling victim" of any given product you should always inform yourself better before purchasing it, otherwise it's very much your own fault.Panzer_ZweiI stopped reading after this. I actually kinda lol'd. First of all, you should really stop taking forums seriously. Second, take that "falling victim" advice and try telling it to a 13-year-old who just realized a console he loved was dying with no access to new games and he had to beg his parents to get a new console. I dunno what you went through but it was a pretty upsetting experience for me and I'm not rich (especially back then) with parents who find consoles to be a waste of resources. In other words, your advice sounds pretty inconsiderate. Also, I dunno if you read the OP, but I did state that the console was a gift from my uncle. I can't help but think your whole post was due to my bashing of Sega.
Same! I beat it in two sittings. And even in that short amount of time I thought it became a chore to finish. I haven't bought a Wii game since. I've been trying to get better about waiting for price drops, reviews to come out, etc.Zombie_EricThing is, I never wanted it but the clerk at the store I usually buy games from kept pestering me about it for a couple of months everytime I bought a different game. Like "Yeah we have *name of game*, that's all? How about Madworld it got an 8 or so on Gamespot" That's what he said I swear. I got so annoyed once and told him "Please stop pestering me about it LOL! It's that good? I got some extra cash I dunno what to spend on but I hate Arcade-ish console games, too short and simple". He replied (while literally shoving the game in my hand) "Believe me you'll love it". He's a friend whom I trust his opinions so I caved in. Never again!
Starfox Adventures
Glad to see I'm not the only one who loved this game. The hate it gets is completely undeserved.
The reason it's hated is because it's not a true Starfox game. It was developed as an unrelated adventure game with Krystal as the protagonist but got the Starfox label slapped in far into development. I have yet to play it but judging from gameplay clips I've seen as a stand-alone game it is great.
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