Really? All my FF fan friends loved it and the GS User Reviews are rarely below a 9....What universe are you living in? FFXII got loads of negative backlash from the FF community...
Aero5555's forum posts
To be honest, X4 is where the series really peaked. It remains the best X game in my opinion. But after X4, it was pretty much downhill indeed...MetamaniaQFT. MMX4 is and remains the deepest/darkest plot entry in the series' history. Repliforce, Zero's origins, those tragic events (not spoiling). Go to any Megaman fansite asking which X story do you consider had the most substance and you will get an overwhelming reaction for X4. What really bugs me is that they ignored 90% of the plot with the sequels after it. Then again, the only games in the X series which had a strong co-dependence on each other in terms of plot was X1-X2. And don't get me started on the OST, everything done for the game is top-notch (minus the English VOs).
He means a specific peripheral that only worked with that one game and its sequels.Every Wii game?
Setting those hopes high aren't you?zenszuluSega have never disappointed me in the nostalgia department and I don't think they will this time either. They're making this game thanks to immense fan-input and that's enough of an indication to me that there goal is to take fans like me back to the glory days. I won't be bummed if I'm proven wrong either way so it's a win win situation for me regardless.
Yes their chemistry was great (minus the delivery) except for one minor issue I just recalled. I didn't like how they made Marta completely inlove with Emil within the second they got to fight together. Yes the frustration Emil expressed over her views of him were a nice twist but I still would rather have preferred their relationship start shallow and grow close as you progressed. I'll be dead-pan here and say I found it kinda stupid actually.I thought Emil and Marta's relationship was just so beautifully done.
Um, that question was directed to people who don't own a 360 because one or two games don't justify a purchase of the console. I only want a 360 for AC6.I don't........Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation only for the XBOX360
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