LMAO! I thought I was the only one who knew of this game's existence!Pepsiman.
Aero5555's forum posts
I know the feeling :)I do feel kind of special because I'm one of the few who can say they actually had the Saturn when it was current gen, lol. Maybe that just makes me "special".
because you got how many sonic/sega compilations? OVER 9000!!:P what!? 9000? theres no way that could be rightbigM10231LOL! Yeah pretty much. I remember wanting the game soooo bad back then but every time I went to the usual gaming store they'd tell me it was outta stock (my only source of gaming news was magazines and TV shows back then, no internet, and it was really shallow, magazine ads helped ALOT). Never before did all Genesis Sonic games be compiled in such a way so it was a pretty big deal. Don't let the "collector's feel" about it fool you. You'll feel ripped-off the second you turn your Saturn on.
Sonic Jam isn't worth paying a high price for, it's just a compilation of the Sega Genesis games. Back then it was worth but now it's pretty much redundant.I just bought a Saturn for the first time early this year, and I like it. I enjoyed games like Sonic 3D Blast, Bug, Clockwork Knight, and I still have yet to play Sonic R, Sonic Jam, and many other games. Overall, I think the console is great to own today.
I seriously lol'd, what the heck is Greg talking about? Fall? LOL! I see three things in his statement. One is jealousy two is arrogance and three is racism.
Reminds of that Sega CEO (I forget his name) who said the West wouldn't accept JRPGs and in the end it was a factor in the death of the Saturn.
Greg's statement = nonsense.
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