I want to purchase a game, not a service. I'm not that interested nor do I have enough time to play multiplayer only games. Part of the reason I haven't purchased Star War Battlefront is because it has no real single player game. What is EA thinking?
So was the budget 60 million to make and another 60 million to market for a total of $120 million? It does sound like the marketing budgets for both games and movies get a little high with a questionable return on investment.
There is no reason to buy a new console at launch. They are always overpriced and have the first generation of manufacturing bugs. By waiting a few months to a year the prices will have dropped and a lot of bugs will be fixed and by that time there will be a few more games worth playing. Just look at the hardware modifications that have occurred with the most recent console generation.
The only thing that causes me to feel violent is hearing idiot politicians talk about more ways to waste our tax dollars. This whole "study" thing is just another way to waste more money. There is a very simple single answer to Sandy Hook, and that's the fact that if the shooter had proper mental health treatment he would have likely been in a hospital instead of being out an able to hurt anyone with as much as a spitwad.
I've met people in mental hospitals who are more in touch with reality than the people running Microsoft. Bill Gates needs to stop trying to save the world and take back over his company before it gets completely ruined. There is no value in purchasing the first generation of either new console. They have to work all the bugs out first. I certainly don't see a reason to pay an additional $100 for the new Xbox over the new Playstation. I'm still trying to figure out a good reason to get a Kinnect for my current Xbox 360, so why in the world would I want to be forced to buy one are part of a new Xbox.
Aggie1295's comments