@howiex89 I mean, even for software update... on EVERY single UNIT?! like the chinese dudes would go like "ooookay guys, lets unpack EVERY XBONE now so we can put them into that plug to update the firmware and bios and whatnot, then pack them back again!! no hurry.."
@Daian @Monsterkillah yeah but still, which graphics card from 2004-2005 can run latests console games with the same performance? even not at full HD, at 720p.
my gaming pc from 05 struggled on the latest games from that year..
@Warlord_Irochi today is all about replay value - so a few hours linear game is no go for this generation. I loved CoI back in the days, it was my first mega drive game, imported from japan.... but they could have make a longer game for today's standards, just saying..
@Monsterkillah gpu -> graphics [processor], cpu -> [main] processor.
some have deals with manufacturers, so the processors come cheaper for them, some even lose money on each and every console sold. but then again, market is a strange thing, they always win $ no matter what.
Ahiru-San's comments