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The Psychopathology of a Deity

The Creator of this world and universe, more commonly known as God, is a touchy subject to many. To some, God is the be all and end all of all existence; the beginning, middle and end of life. Others believe that such an entity of infinite powers couldn't possibly exist. Regardless, I am examining from the aspect of God's existence from all modern religions - God as an entity that has always been and always will be, the creator of all life and an omnipotent, omnipresence.

If indeed God was to have always been, then it is without question that there was a period before Earth and our Solar System was formed. To place a definite timeline on when God chose to do so, in reference to how long prior to it's existence, would be impossible. However nearly all religions have their own version of Genesis. The question that remains to many is: why did God choose to do so? Indeed, if the theistic belief that everything happens for a reason, or that God has a "plan", then God must have had a reason or reasons for creating such a vast, complex universe.

Going off the Christian belief of Genesis, God created man in his own image. It is prevalent that man is not as powerful as a deity, therefore it must be concluded that God made man in his own image, but without the power. This act is not only a sign of classic narcissism, but also a strong indicator of a superiority complex. If God could indeed create the entire universe (some beliefs claim within a week) then it is evident he could also destroy it just as easily - and God evidently did not want this competition. So what purpose do these lesser clones of God serve? If God is indeed as omnipotent as it is claimed, and Genesis is an example of this, then surely anything a human could do, God would surpass with the greatest of ease? It is therefore concluded that God created these lesser clones to only worship Him. God, in effect, has created a mirror image of Himself that also worships him. A living, ego-pleasing mirror.

As previously stated, God is said to be all loving. It is also said that God has a plan, or "moves in mysterious ways". Most of the older, more traditional scriptures of religion depict God as being incredibly vengeful, particularly to non-believers. This schizophrenic display of emotions leads me to believe that God is bipolar. He appears to have very little control over His own emotions, despite the seemingly infinite power He possesses. Should defiance of the existence or the rules set by God, such events as the slaughter of every first born or indeed the Apocalypse. If indeed God did proclaim the rule "thou shall not kill", then God would be setting the claim of "do as I say, not as I do".

The universe and the laws that govern it are so complex that humans, clones of God, are still struggling to comprehend a minute part of the place in which we hold even after thousands of years of existence. These laws are fixed and apply to everything and everyone. It has to be concluded then that these laws are not only created by the Creator, but are done at such a degree of detail that only a true genius could have thoroughly carried out such a task. However, that is not to say it is perfect. Had God in fact created the Earth and all His worshipers, why then would he create a Sun which would eventually burn out and consume us all? Judging by how long it would actually take for the Sun to do such a thing (some several hundred billion years) then it can be argued that God didn't actually have the foresight to such an event. Therefore, while God is indeed possibly the most ingenious entity in existence, his IQ is in fact finite.

In conclusion: God, should He indeed exist, would most likely be a flawed entity. Very egotistic and bipolar, He would unconditionally love all creatures great and small one minute, and then smite heretics with natural disasters the next. To most, God is one entity (with exceptions such as Hinduism) and has always existed. Therefore He was essentially self-reared. He had no parents or guardians to teach him morals or discpline - He made them up Himself. What God appears to be is an essentric genius. He may have the capacity to create the entire universe, but His emotions can easily get the better of him.

NOTE: I did this out of sheer "because I can"-ism. I don't mean to cause offense. :P

Out and about

You see some crazy crap when you least expect it sometimes. I went to Selfridges with my girlfriend and lookie here:


It's a dead scorpion floating around some vodka. How the scorpion died and whether it was before or after taking a plunge is unknown. But all that drinking is bound to make you hungry.


So why not chow down on some chocolate with smoked bacon bits?

Sometimes I wonder if I am going mad...or if I'm just catching up to the rest of the world.


I got my guitar back today. I put it in for repairs and the guy promised me it to be fixed within a week. Two weeks later I ask where it is and he promised it a week last friday. Last Tuesday I asked for it and he said it'll be in today. Luckily, by the powers of whatever deity may exist, it was in. I thoroughly tested it out, mostly for my own amusement to annoy them with my purposely sloppy version of the intro riff Sweet Child O Mine for 5 mins straight.

So I walk up to the counter.

Asshat: "That's £60, please."
Me: "No, it isn't."
Asshat: "What?"
Me: *explained how long it's been in and why that's what's known as 'bad service' in the trade*

He made the mistake of telling me it may need a new battery soon (I use active pickups) to which I said "It was a fresh battery when I gave it in", which is wasn't.

So I managed to haggle him down from £60 to £40 with a free battery. I'm pretty sure he tried to pawn off his barely legal daughter on me too, as she began fawning over me when I was haggling. It was pretty creepy.

For some ungodly reason, the guitar was tuned to G as well. For those who don't know, that's tuned UP two steps higher than standard.

Today's moral: Never shop at this place, and if you do - the staff have no soul and should be treated as such.

I feel like crap

I have no idea what's happened. I woke up feeling fine (strange dream that I had agoraphobia), went into town fine, talked to my tutor fine, came home and now I feel like complete and utter crap. It's like someone's reached into my gut and wrenched out any sense of motivation and energy.

Oh well. In other news thumbs up for this memory stick.

EDIT: Upon closer examination of the events of my day, perhaps eating an entire box of prawns straight from the fridge wasn't such a good idea after all.

ATH-EM7 Review

Just got some new headphones through the post.


They're a lot smaller than I imagined. I've just had them on my charging iPod for a bit to break them in slightly and so far, I'm very happy with them. The sound is very clear but not tinny. It does lack bass but that's to be expected since they hang on your ears rather than hug them. The clip on thingies are very comfortable but I'm still fiddling with them to make them as snug as possible. Because all the instructions on the box are in Japanese I have the strong suspicion I'm wearing them wrong. They are very well built, not at all heavy but also feel solid to the touch. The sound is isolated better than you'd expect, but is still audible at higher volumes.

If you can get them to hang closer to your ears (if you wear a beanie hat for example) then you'd hear that they're still very good quality. They don't like very loud music and crackle slightly under the pressure, but in all honesty I wouldn't have them that high anyway (I was just testing them). Of course this was the first song I tested.

I would recommend them, so long as you have another big pair of headphones for more dedicated listening, if that makes sense. These headphones are my "going out, but might not listen to music" headphones.


Me wearing them, but also eating a hot cross bun...what? Hot cross buns are awesome!


Been tagged by Teenaged, so here's my >10 facts about myself:

1. My favourite games are Final Fantasy VII, the Monkey Island series, Persona 3-4 and the original Tomb Raider on PSone. I used to trade in games that I finished/got bored of but since I get next to nothing and I always end up craving playing some of them again at one time or another, I've started (re)collecting them. I currently own over 180 hard copies of games and over 50 online straight-to-harddrive games.

2. I'm a big fan of anime. My love of manga and anime began in 2004 when I got two volumes of Love Hina for my birthday, which has remained to be my favourite manga of all time. My favourite genre is harem, such as; Love Hina, Asu no Yoichi, Amaenaideyo, Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun, Rosario + Vampire, Toradora!, and Clannad.

3. I plan to move to Japan a year this summer. I'm joining the JET Programme in hopes of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). This will be an enormous step for me, as it will be both my first time in full-time work as well as the first time I move out. I feel that jumping into the deep end like this will do me good as a person. I have no choosing in where I'm located so it can be anywhere from Tokyo to an isolated village in the mountains. My facination with Japan began with my manga obsession (see above). And no, I'm not a weaboo. :P

4. I'm the youngest and only son in my family. I have an older sister. I don't bother with my cousins or uncles on my dad's side due to this favouritism game my grandparents play which has everyone clambering over each other in desperate need to be liked. I haven't spoken to one of my uncles in 6 years despite seeing him at family events all the time. I have never met anyone apart from one uncle on my mum's side of the family.

5. I have a mild fear of mannaquins. It's apparently a variant on pediophobia - the fear of dolls.

6. I play guitar and doodle in my spare time.

7. I'm in my final year at uni. My course is combined honours Psychology with Law, but I wish I took pure Psychology as the Law department simply can't tell their arses from their elbows. I have a very unpopular liking for the works of Freud.

8. My favourite food is a tie between ramen and pizza. I can only eat pizza occassionally because it's one of those things that when I have one, it's extra large with all the trimmings (and stuffed crust), but I can eat ramen until the cows come home. It's like two meals in one, with the noodles and then soup broth left over. Perfect with a soft boiled egg.

9. I used to be bullied a lot. This ended up with me leaving high school (16 years old) at 6 stone (84lbs). I wasn't bulemic or anorexic, I just didn't eat much and have a very fast metabolism. Since then I've been going to the gym and managed to bulk myself up to respectable 12 stone (168lbs). However I still have the frame of a skinny guy, so a lot of people are surprised as to how big I actually am, as I wear baggy clothes that doesn't show a lot off.

That was fun!

I now tag sAndroid17, Deihjan, Funky_Llama, Kleeyook and super_mario_128. :D Chop, chop!

Political Correctness, and Racial and Class Tension

Glitchspot has finally subsided. Right click, view image for maximum funnies:


Apparently I owe a read post, or something.

Anyway, this post is gonna be pretty long, so just a forewarning. For the summary press "Crtl + F" and type "tl;dr". :P

Everyone knows about political correctness and the PC police. They're the people who tell us what we can and cannot say, and what is deemed "offensive". Even on these boards PC is rife in the trivial moderations everyone has received. But who are these people, and what gives them the right to say what is and isn't offensive?

Political correctness goes far beyond the simple tiptoeing around the point people are making. PC is a poor form of social control that causes more problems than it solves. Whilst there are laws that do in fact do the exact same thing, these are saved for the more extreme variants, such as instigating hate crimes and slander. I feel that those laws are needed and a necessity in our society. However PC are unwritten moral codes forced upon us by people who have no clue about normal interaction.

These "moral codes" aren't shared by the general public, however. If you look at some of the recent cases in "political correctness gone mad" then you would surely agree that instances such as not being able to call coffee without milk "black" to be absurd. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the general public again, these rules aren't in place by the will of the people in charge, but the will of the people whom they supposedly cause offense to. Very much like a cIassoom, if one child is given special treatment over the rest, even if it wasn't warranted, then that child will inevitably be resented by the rest of the cIass. Society is no different.

Back in 2006, my local MP Jack Straw sparked a huge debate over the veils Muslim women wear. He asked them to remove them if they wished to see him in his office. While I do agree that those veils make is difficult and uncomfortable for simple interaction with them, and aren't needed in modern society, saying anything against the Muslims in my country will have the "racist" sticker swiftly followed behind it. In my town, where 20% of the population are Muslim (if you saw a map of it, colour coded by race, it would be the epitome of segregation) then you would understand why this could cause problems. There simply is no room for debate anymore. Something has got to give and I'm almost certain that it won't end very nicely. My prediction is of passive pessimism: someone is going to do something stupid which will end up in a riot.

This coincides with the cIasses in Britain as well, more to the point chavs. Chavs are seemingly victims of self-fulfilling prophecies: because they're treated like criminals they act like criminals. However, this has made a pendulum swing of which side people stand on. Much like the racial tension in my town, there is also a "chavs" vs "neo-snobs" rivalry. Going back to my school analogy, the law is tiptoeing around chavs and only punishing those who are willing to be punished. The kids who don't want detention simply run away, whereas the good students turn up. The ones who ran away are given another detention which, surprise surprise, they didn't turn up for. Again, this has created unnecessary tension between the lower-cIasses and the middle/upper-cIasses, however it isn't as easy to pin down. Around my area there are a lot of chavs, however this isn't a poor area. The chav culture has spread, much like the gangsta ghetto culture, to those who aren't a part of that subculture. This simply has now taken the form of demonising youngsters as mad, wild critters, who would sooner stab you with their many knives if you looked at their hoodies wrong.

All this has created a society that simply exists in one place, as opposed to together. Neighbours no longer know each other, everyone keeps their true feelings hidden in fear of being ousted as something they're not, and everyone hates each other for hating each other, which they don't. This spiralling cycle of hatred is absolutely nothing new. There has never been "the good ol' days". However, due to the freedom and availability of the media's frantic search for anything and everything that would signify this trend, our expectations and estimations of how far and wide this is spread is blown completely out of proportion. In my honest opinion, I feel that western society has dug itself a big hole with this. It won't be solved overnight, but we have to start being more lenient to one another before we begin to get ourselves out of it.

tl;dr - Everyone needs to calm the **** down and learn to take a joke.

Pond-ering thoughts

I took my girlfriend to this fancy Meditterean cafe the other day. She had a salad and I had the only thing on the menu not soaked in olive oil (a sammich). I had a coffee and she had this tea...


I really don't know how she could drink this. She said it was nice, but besides the fact it just looks like pond water, it smelt like soap. C'est la vie.

On the way to meeting her my bus was 25 mins late. It's suppose to come every 30 mins. I am absolutely sick and tired of this country's public transport. It's far too expensive for a dirty, unreliable service. It's a £6 return for a 20 minute journey with no traffic. The exact same trip can be made in a car in about quarter of an hour. Part of the frustration arises in the fact that I have no alternative: I have no money for a car and it would be pointless if I'm leaving the country anyway. I don't even know why I bother looking at my watch whilst waiting for it, I may as well break out a deck of Tarot cards or roll a 20 sided dice.

On the subject, I really hate cars. More to the point, I hate people who talk about them. Whenever I'm talking to someone new at uni the same subjects always come up: how drunk did you get at the weekend (I don't drink), who won the match last night (I don't watch football) and what kind of car do you drive (I take the bus). Having a car at my age, and particularly in college, is almost like some sort of crowning achievement earned through years of hardship when in fact it was your damn parents who bought you you biscuit-tin on wheels. Without sounding like a crazy old coot shouting at children to get off my front garden, I have yet to be in a car with a driver my age who ISN'T a complete maniac. It's almost as if getting from A to B is not only important, but it's fatally urgent.

Anyway I'm tired. Night all.