I remember when everything started going 3D with the PSone there was a boatload of isometric shooter games that came out. I remember playing one which was about some Terminator-style robots going around shooting things but I could never aim properly on it. Good job that was only a rental. I think the worst game I had on it was probably Hard Drivin'.
When I was a kid I played a game where you played as a guy in a big green suit and he jumped down toilets and farted on things. But I'd have to say Earthworm Jim earns most of my Weirdness points.
At 21 I was just leaving uni with no job. I could have wallowed in self pity (nothing works, I'm the only one like this, etc.) but instead I sent out CVs like paper and ink were going out of fashion, and thanks to one mrbojangles25 I learnt about the JET Programme and signed up.
I much prefer to buy physical copies in the shops. I have downloaded stuff off iTunes that I couldn't find or have been priced $Yougottabejoking.99 in the shops (ie. Animetal: $59 or a $7 album on iTunes).
My wallet. It has never happened to me before but I know that the one day I forget my wallet is the day the police ask to see my foreign registration card.
2 things you should never ever do to a girl: 1. Never comment on what/how/when she eats. 2. Unless you see a baby actually coming out of her, never assume she is pregnant.
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