Usually "hello" is a good starting point. Maybe a "that homework was hard, eh?" or "your boobs look epic today" can help too.
However, my favorite drink at Starbucks where I work is an Iced Venti, half-decaf, 6-shot, 3-pump Classic syrup, breve, poored-over ice Americano. Yum. :oops:mindstorm I can never understand how you can get that specific with coffee.
i like avast. its...unobtrusivekiller_beanz VIRUS DATABASE HAS BEEN UPDATED!!! Damn near crapped myself when that first happened.
I use Avast whenever I use Windows. AVG is fine but it actually let a few viruses through whereas Avast seems to catch much more.
[QUOTE="AirGuitarist87"]Blacker than the blackest black times infinite.Deihjan Do you folks LIKE COFFEE?
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