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#1 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts

heya all

i'm considering getting a blu ray dvd drive for my computer, however when i watch HD movies on youtube (for example at times when theres a lot of movement in the video it goes quite laggy, watchable but would certainly put me off getting a blu ray drive if the movies i buy where like it as well. yet in something like apples trailers (which display hd) i have no lag at all.

so my question is, is the lag i experience on all youtube videos just youtube, or does it mean my computer is unable to fully play hd movies? (i tried cyberlinks advisor and it said i had everything needed to play movies on the basic page, but on the advanced page i don't have "hardware duel-video decoding capability for h.264, mpeg-2 or vc-1)

thanks in advance

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#2 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts
kool... anyone got any other info?
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#3 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts

heya all... happy new year!

about a year - 8 months ago i remember reading and watching a video of a new photorealistic virual world (second life ish) that would run directly from a internet window (no program downlaods) and on the video it showed a downtown area of a city and it look amazing! seeing in business windows and swimming pools of roofs of skyscrapers with photorealistic graphics!

anyway my question is... anyone know the game i'm talking about? i'm having trouble remembering the title of it! :(


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#4 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts

ok guys, i know you dnt want to hear this but about 20 minutes ago i just got the nxe on beta... let me start at the top:

it takes 49 for me to download and install... so pretty good! when it first loads your greeted by a intro movie of what looks like a new version of the old xbox 360 logo, its kinda exploding open with tenis balls flying out, cars driving around, explosions of what looks like lava creating towers in the sky and the cheer of crowds as in a sports game... pretty much covering most of the main genres. you are then asked to sign i to a xbox live account where you then have to create you avatar, the process for me persoanlly was a bit overwhelming at first (maybe because i was so excited) but it was only because of how many ways you can change your appearence; i won't go into it too much because its all been pretty well documented but OMG there are loads of options!

after creating you avatar you are then taken to the dashboard, which although took me some time to work my way around i'm begining to get used to it, everything seems to be in a pretty logical place and it all moves and sounds great (although maybe the sounds sound like they've been taken straight from a wii), although i think its going to take me a while to find where downloadable content its.... so many marketplace options!

anyways although all the options appear to be working, ms have obviously not updated some of the new features (it only being a beta thats understandable) but the things like community games are look a bit thin (only 3 games atm) and obviously none of my friend have it so my friends channel is looking a bit... blank but it all seems to be working well!

i'm just installing fable 2 atm... so may take a while but i'll be having a play all night so if i find anything exciting i'll let you all know!

anyone have a any questions feel free to ask!

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#5 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts

However it does not have to be the same OS disk. So if you know ANYONE with a non-OEM XP or Server 2003 disk, try that.


what about a oem disc? its a dell so the copy he's got (somewhere) would be a oem version anyway

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#6 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts
i can get into all the bios and boot options, but the flash drive hasn't got the recovery console on it.... can i get it from anywhere?
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#7 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts

heya all

my mate just screwed up his computer so i thought i'd try the recovery console to see what happens but he can't find the xp disc that came with his computer so i need help

i know you can download recovery consoles for floopy discs but NO ONE i know has a floopy drive (apart from him ironically)

any help with either getting a recovery disc on either cd-r or a flash drive fpr xp?

thanx in advance!

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#8 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts

If you are a part of the beta, is xbox live down then?crazybananaz

its working ok for me and i got my beta confirmation last night

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#9 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts

omg guys... i'm in!

just got the email! it reads:

Congratulations on your acceptance into the Xbox 360 Fall Flash Preview Program. As a member of this program you will be receiving the New Xbox Experience (NXE) System Update.
The update will be made available to you on or before November 1st. In order to receive the update, log in to Xbox LIVE with the Preview Program registered console.

In participation with this program, you should not move your storage device (hard drive, or memory unit if you do not have a hard drive) to any other console as it will also update that console. If an unregistered console is updated with the NXE update, that console will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the NXE has been officially released on November 19th.
Please remember that your participation in the Public Preview Program is subject to the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use.
We thank you for your participation and hope that you enjoy the New Xbox Experience.
See you online,
The Xbox 360 team

omg i can't wait! will keep you guys updated!

btw the email dress they sent it from was msftconn if you want to search your spam folder!

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#10 Al_CaPope
Member since 2003 • 747 Posts
i always thought the ones you get when completing a level was kinda pointless.. fair enough with 'in a certain time' or 'without losing a life' but just for a completing a level? isn't that why we play games anyway?