This is really cool, but I A: still own the games they showed, and B: Emulate all of them too. I'm just not into owning a cute piece of nostalgia to put on my shelf like a lot of Nintendo fans seem to be. Maybe if it was $50.
Ahh you think Kojima's crazy is your ally? You merely adopted the crazy. Kojima was born in it, molded by it. He didn't see simply written story lines, and dialogue till he was already and man, by then it was nothing to him but BLINDING.
I was expecting "imperfections" like this when the remaster wasn't going to be like the master chief collection style. I immediately noticed the differences and just took a deep breath and to myself it's just a new wrinkle to get used to. Which I did.
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: I get what you're saying, but I've just never bought into the reviewer's justifications for not finishing something.
It's the same as a movie critic walking out halfway through a movie and giving it a full review. Obviously games are usually a lot longer, but that's not my problem. I'd rather see a game that got a 5 when the reviewer finished it, than a 6 and he didn't. It's just a standard for me personally.
I'm not against critique for something you didn't finish, but I feel that a review should take in the game as a whole.
I was going to have Peters back on part of this but then I read that he only played half of each game. That's BS, it's not my problem you don't have time to finish something. If you can't/don't want to finish it then just write a blog post on your thoughts. Don't treat it like a proper review, this isn't one.
Plus we all know that if this was a 2D game with the "right" IP attached, or an indie game it wouldn't be "outdated" it would be "unique".
Gamespot really has gone down the crapper with the personality cuts, and lazy reviews disguised as "critical".
I'm playing Kingdom Hearts 3D for the first time and the only thing that upsets me with KH3 taking so long is that Haley Joel Osment is a grown man now and Sora sounds like it. I'm just about his age so I get it, but man is it jarring, and KH 3D was recorded 5+ years ago (jesus)
Plus KH2 wrapped up the part of the story that I was most invested in as a kid, Sora finding his friends and getting home. So I'm really looking forward to 3, not in a I can't wait to see how it wraps up way, but I just want to play another full bore AAA ass Kingdom Hearts game.
Alawishis' comments