Take out the lines they ripped out of the original song and just leave in the "I'm not afraid" bits and this song is fine just as a song. But it sucks at trying to be a Ghostbusters song.
Tekken 6 lost me with the addition of a bunch of super anime fighters. I understand that's hypocritical considering the series involves people being thrown into volcanoes and the goddamn devil, but without knowing their story a vast majority of characters looked like they could actually exist in the real world. Kitty lady, and anime ass anime characters Leo, and Lars don't appeal to me at all.
That said I will pick this one up, because I love Tekken.
@suicidesn0wman: The problem I have with that is the same problem I have with Uncharted as a whole. Nate is basically a killing machine, shooting armies down and snapping the necks of thousands of people. Dude knows how to fight, but when the story calls for it he suddenly becomes very vulnerable. It's a critique you can make for all video games, but Uncharted seems to always push it to the limit.
Alawishis' comments