Funny no one mentioned Disciples.. great game IMO..
I also voted for BG.. n yes.. like another before me I have played them since the beginning.. BG1, Tales of the Sword Coast, BG2, Throne of Baal, IWD1, Heart of Winter, IWD2, NWN1, Shadows of the Untertide (sp?), Hordes of the Underdark, NWN2, Planescape: Torment, KOTOR1, and Jade Empire
There is also games like Diablo, Hellfire, Diablo 2, Lord of Destruction, Space Hack, Fate, Sacred, Sacred Gold, and Sacred Underworld, Titan Quest, Titan Quest Immortal Throne, Dungeon Seige 1, Legends of Arrana (sp?), Dungeon Seige 2, and Hellgate London. of the clones I would choose Hellgate London and Sacred as the best of them.. no one can kick Diablo off the throne.. it is the "hack and slash" game. :)
TES were mentioned.. played those since Daggerfall but I hated.. HATED Oblivion.. the monsters lvl with you? are they just nuts? That ruins the challenge as well as at endgame feel of being "all powerful". Morrowind was much better by leaps and bounds.
Gothic series.. I loved Gothic 3.. a lot of fans didn't.. but since I never played the previous 2.. I wouldn't know.
No one mentioned Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.. also a truly excellent game.
Played Fallout the original.. never bought Fallout 2, wasn't ready for the whole turn based gameplay ala Jagged Alliance. Although Disciples II kinda changed my mentality towards the genre.. which speaks volumes for me :)
Arx Fatalis also good.. but not "great" .. if on the X-box yes.. I would rank it up there with the best of RPGs.. but on the comp.. no.. Dark Messiah.. loved it.. probably due to playing so much of Arx, that I noticed loads of similarities.
I would mention some console RPGs that I enjoyed.. but this is mainly PC so, I'll leave that alone.. otherwise the list would be umm long? Long Live Star Ocean! :P
Forgot one.. The Witcher.. played a little of it.. liked what I played.. but got overly involved with HGL.. will get to it though! :)
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