I don't feel ripped off when I get games like Red Dead Redemption, Civilization 5, Batman: Arkham City, Dragon Age: Origins, Total war: Shogun 2, Bastion, Grand Theft Auto IV, Fallout: New Vegas, Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Prototype, Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, God of War III, LA Noire, Mass Effect (well...2 and 9/10s of that series)and many many other exceptional titles who earn whatever price is put on them with any combination of story, character interaction, game mechanics, combat, replay-ability, etc.
I DO feel ripped off when they put out yearly releases of games such as the sports games and Call of Duty, and then there's the trash likeBrink, Bloodforge, Revelations 2012, Haze, Homefront, Two Worlds (the first), Dragon Age 2, Command & Conquer 4 (and I hear they are making a damn MMO out of it now, way to kill my favorite series) and other trash games that I can't even remember because they were so terrible and forgettable. Half of the ones I listed I skimmed the site to remember the names. THESE are the games that kill the industry. They fail miserably through bugs or just execution of game mechanics. Sure Bethesda makes buggy games but they have such VAST amount of content that is interesting they are easily overlooked, whereas Brink...didn't work like that.
Stop making trashy games and make AAA titles, and sales won't be declining.
That's because other FPS's try to mimic CoD and they fail miserably, and they make bad games. I don't like CoD anymore, but it is still a great game even though they only change the setting in each game.
I tried really hard to like this series but it...just isn't happening. Playing demon souls, I found myself replaying the first stage over and over again because if I went any further, I'd find enemies who one-hit me on the spot. That just doesn't vibe with me :/
Really trying to get into it.. Maybe being able to play it on the PC would help me..
I can finally buy Portal 2. I thought the game was epic but I like replayability and after playing the first one I passed on this, but it is $6 now and with this level editor I will enjoy it a lot more.
@SuprSaiyanRockr @ALCHEMYSTO I loved patsy, was fun going to a military base and patsy's the inside of the building completely xD Most sucked though, that were removed.
Whoever changed the comment system needs to be fired. I can't see half of the crap that is on here because it is blended in with the background or too bright I have to quint my eyes to see it, I can't find older comments because it won't load, every time I try to do that I get a stupid popup EVERY time someone posts a new comment, and to "dislike" something means to flag it, so i dunno if it is actually disliking it or flagging it to be taken down, which would be dumb.
Alpr1010's comments