There's a long history of streaming "platforms" failing, but I did try their streaming test of AC: Odyssey and it played flawlessly. If anyone has the capital and networking infrastructure to pull this off it would probably be Google.
Just don't mess this up. I've been waiting so long for BG3 and even though it sounds like the story won't have much to do with my Bhaalspawn PC, I just want to have the same level of an epic adventure I had two decades ago.
As someone that's been playing and beating all of the souls-borne series since it's Demon's Souls days I would say that if you can beat Nioh you can definitely complete all of the souls series. I would strongly suggest that if you give a souls game another try that you take the time to figure out if your strategy is simply working against the tools they are giving you to win.
If you're having too much trouble in a souls game at any point, it's time to take a break from beating your head against the wall to break down what is going wrong and what options are available to address that issue. Once you get used to this process of a game treating you with respect that you have the intellect to think for yourself and can adapt, you'll find the games to be very enjoyable.
What Supa is getting at is Disney said the EU is no longer considered canon. Therefore, they are basically fan fics at this point. Disney seems to be cherry picking characters out of the books though so maybe they'll go through them and harvest what they think will be profitable.
It was good, not great but it was definitely much better than the last movie. I would say that if you're looking for a Pirates flick (you know exactly what they are by now) you'll be happy enough to see this one. Even with the issues that it does have, it's still fun to check out on the big screen.
Those are some pretty amazing buys! I still have all 4 of those from my PS2 days and my PS3 fat launch to play them on (It's much more friendly than using my old PS2 these days). Honestly, I would pay a fair price for a Xenosaga set on PC and DQ 8, but I'm not sure what price point they'd try to target. I suspect it'd be much more than many would even consider paying though.
Ah my bad, you're right. Had to go grab my PS2 Xenosaga off the shelf to double check. Forgot it was Bandai Namco that published it for Monolith soft at the time. I'd still love for it to make it to PC though.
Alyzen's comments