Like, it's cool and all that people keep wanting to turn existing characters into women.
But I think it's time to take the characters we have (like Wonder woman) and do more with it. The latest Wonder Woman was AMAZING. There are lots of existing female characters that can be worked with, revisited, and receive new breaths of fresh air. Also, Atomic Blond is pretty good as well. Right there. There's the female bond. Except it's not Bond. It's a different IP.
And we should be creating new IPs with female leads. We should be creating new, modern role models.
We already have seen what happens when you try to remake something beloved and swap genders for no believable reason. Ghost Busters flopped pretty damn hard.
Graphic fiends care about the weirdest things. To the rest of us? It's just techno babble over nothing. Sure, maybe it'll mean something if I press my face against the screen and examine it with a magnifier, but sitting on a couch? Man, I ain't got time to worry about something I wouldn't notice if I wasn't looking for it.
Bethesda disappointed with nothing too substantial or desired by the fans. It had a few neat things but it was ultimately lackluster.
EA's showing was also lackluster and didn't really wow (except for Anthem but that's. . really in an odd spot).
Nintendo delivered what we expected and wanted but with some unexpected flare to them. Not one but two Metroids. One of which is going classic. Ubisoft with Mario? What?!
Ubisoft actually had a good showing with some good games on display. Some surprises. Really impressed with where they are taking Assassin's Creed.
Microsoft had a very good showing that will no doubt be downplayed because it's Microsoft and no one's ready to admit they like Microsoft. They showed a variety of games, a new console, and gave us new features to look forward to. And Cross platform play with nintendo of all people. They also must have some kind of timed exclusivity deal on Anthem, which they got to show off (the odd spot).
Sony. . . Whatever they were supposed to do. . that wasn't it. It was disappointing and gave us, well, nothing. Remastered Shadow of the colossus, while neat, isn't that impressive. I already played this. I already experienced this. What bells and whistles do you have to justify buying it again instead of giving us backwards compatibility? I haven't forgotten how they told us we don't want to play old games and that backwards compatibility isn't worthwhile. . while pushing a remaster of a very old game down our throats. Backwards compatibility isn't a thing because they wanna milk us.
I have watched everything from Game Spot to Angry Joe and it does not appear forced. Maybe your definition and the actual definition are different or maybe you're just a shill of another team.
AncientDozer's comments