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Andrew_Xavier Blog

Another short entry

2 360's died at an international developer conference,
but "fanboys" are still claiming the numbers are blown up, despite being covered
by every media source ever made by anyone,
and the BBC being the ones who filmed the RRoD at the GDC,
it still makes no sense, "it's not a big deal, I've had 3 die, just send them back and get new (read: refurbished) ones, I don't blame M$ for not testing their hardware and rushing it out."
People make that statement like crazy, I really really don't get it.
I owned a 360, it died, got another, it died, got another and I sold it,
it's ridiculous that a company as rich as M$ would release such a faulty product just to continue their domination.

Gender/Race/Religion on Gamespot

Since we're not on any topic,
anyone remember that "girl" who used to post here all the time, and when that memorable "post yourself" thread was made, posted pictures of Fiona Apple and argued for like, 2 days that it was def her and not Fiona Apple, and then someone linked to the fiona apple website, where the pics were?
That was hilarious.
Which is part of why I say gender/orientation/religion/etc don't matter, because there's no way of proving your claims on the most anonymous enabling service in the world (a message forum), and who cares if you are a man/woman/child or fat/thin/normal/super underweight, or 4'0/7'6 or anything in between, no one is going to meet a date on here, in some places *maybe* I am not sold, everyone I've dated have been people I've met IRL, but you know, and there's no way to do a realistic survey, like I could claim to be a 4 year old girl who only likes manhunt 2, and that would kill any demographic based survey results, and undoubtably, someone would scream "4 YEAR OLD GIRLS ARE PLAYING MANHUNT 2! THIS WORLD IS GOING TO IMPLODE!!!"
Plus, who *really* knows who is browsing these sites? Tipper Gore could be on here trolling for crap to start campaigns against, or like, dr phil could be on here with his fake medical license and go on fox news and claim that Andrew Xavier: The Game has hardcore alien sex content, even though the game doesn't exist, and all the sudden there is a huge media campaign against Little Big Planet, because it's on the same platform
Anyways, what I'm saying is, you aren't gunna catch a "lady" to date on gamespot, and if you are looking for one, you aren't gunna catch one offline either, so like, work out a bit, and fix your personality, and you'll get one IRL, then you won't need to beg those "crazy gamespot" ladies, who are probably really 45 year old single plumbers named Ron, to send you gamespot IMs.

Thank You.
X-Posted from a forum post I made, DEAL WITH IT.

Short Post

Fan boys amuse the crap out of me,
apparently the world is out to get the system wars hardcore,
apparently all numbers are forged, except the ones that
make their system look good, all reports are false, that
are not about their system being the greatest of all time,
and gamespot isn't owned by CNET....

Reasons People Hate A Console

Only people who hate it are people who cannot afford it,
that seems to be the biggest reason to hate a console, well, there are 2 reasons:
1. You hate the machine because it breaks (that's why some people hate the 360)
2. You hate the machine because it's out of your price range
So, then they will make up something stupid, like "omgz0r, zecutivez is arrigentz", which is odd, since realistically, microsoft released a machine they knew had a massive failure rate, because they assumed no one would care, that's pretty arrogant, sony felt so matter what the name would sell the machine, also arrogant...realistically, nintendo are the only ones who weren't super arrogant
going into this gen.'s all silly business. People will never admit to hating something because of the 2 reasons I specified, since there are more inventive reasonings,
I personally don't hate any system, I had serious troubles with the 360 as far as breaking, but, truth be told, if they got the failure rate below 1%, I'd buy another 360 in a second, I was planning on having all 3 this gen,
had gamecube, xbox and ps2 last gen, all for diff games, have a wii and a ps3 and a gaming pc this gen, had a 360, but it broke as I mentioned, multiple times, so, I sold the last one M$ sent me back.

System Wars

System Wars is a joke for the most part, I read it because I'm contagious IRL and therefore have lotsa free time (gooooo influenza!!)
Anyways, from what I've seen, most people haven't touched the system they bash, and therefore have no insight,
most people haven't touched the games they call "shovel-ware" or "flops", and therefore have no concept,
most people have not seen actual 100% verified sales statistics for worldwide sales, because none exist,
owning multiple systems is a capital sin! I'm apparently some kind of hermit-cow-sheep hybrid who used to be a lemming too,
and, the best thing, most of what is said is based on rumours, not fact, stupid crap like "OMGZ0R ThA ScrEnSh0tZ iZ HoRRiD, ThA GamE Pli mzT bE CraOPty", like, looking at 2 pictures of a game give you no insight into the game-play, and you weren't at E3 last year, therefore, you have no idea, so screaming "FLOP FLOP FLOP" or "AAAAAAAA SUPER GOD, BIGGER THAN JESUS, BEZT GAME EVER!!!" 9 months before something comes out, makes you look like an idiot.
The people who post about a game they own a month before it comes it, being the greatest *OR* the worst game they've ever played, never own the game/post their gamertag/offer any proof of ownership, but people will blindly follow anyways, because they want a game/system to fail.
No one uses *simple* logic here, if ps3 and Wii died, Microsoft gets right back into a situation where it is sued for monopolizing (hence why M$ saved Apple, get it?)...therefore, their 360 will be discontinued too, the best situation for all of gaming is for all 3 systems to remain nicely competitive, while remaining close in sales/profits/etc, therefore, cheering the competition makes WAY more sense then screaming "U'R SUSTIM IZ THA STOOPID!".
The other side effect of no competition, = no motivation to fix broken systems, continue improving the quality of software, etc.
The *best* part of System Wars is, if you've had real trouble with a machine (like me with my 360 dying), and post it, fans of said system will blame you for it "ITZ UR FALT, U DIDBNT DUZT THA MACHENE!", or just claim you are lying, since "system X" cannot possibly have any problems, despite the mainstream media coverage, the fact the company put billions aside for repairs of 1 of many known problems, but you know, it's always the customers fault in the eyes of the people who have sexual relationships with their own machines.
So, there you go, I don't think anyone is truly desperate, just ignorant.