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Angelic_Anime Blog

Today is the day // Remakes

It's my birthday. I'm 18 now. :)

Yesterday, I saw a commerical for a new movie coming out, The Eye. :x Which is a remake of the Chinese movie, The Eye. I saw that one and I can't believe some American person decided to remake it.

This happens so much. The Japanese movie, Dark Water was also remade by some American person. As I believe Ringu was also.
They're even going to make an American version of the British crime drama series Life on Mars. Well, they've already stole The Office.

So, now you're probably wondering, "Why is Tasha getting so upset over this?"
That's because I'm an aspiring writer, and to think that people out there can't even try to think up an original story on their own is really sad and annoying. (But mostly annoying)
Now, don't think I only feel this way about American remakes--it's ALL remakes I usually dislike.
I'd hate to write a novel and a British or Japanese person reads it and think "Hmm...I think I'll rewrite this into my own novel."

Well, my mini rant is done, and I end with this.

Really....I think this is my last blog. For reasons I don't want to explain, I find it too stressful to try to keep up with people's blogs. I'll still be here submitting quotes, etc. (Although I haven't done so in a while) I just won't be writing or commenting on blogs anymore.


Next week is... 18th birthday. Two days after Christmas.

It's been about 20 days since my last blog. I don't know if I'm going to write anymore. The main reason I wrote them in the first place was to get thte emblem for over 50 journal entries and I have it already. I've lost interest in writing these.

Icons to live by

It's funny how icons say just about anything. Except for those times when you're actually looking for a specific icon and it doesn't seem to exist.

Maybe I should sue them

There was always something about those Disney movies that made me sad, which is exactly why I never liked watching them. The problem was in elementary school, I had these movie jammed into my eyes whenever we couldn't go outside for recess.
Even as a nine-year-old, I loathed it when the couple would kiss or gaze deeply into the others' eyes.

Sadly, I'm a hopeless romantic.

I'm lost in a fictitious world

I don't know reality anymore. Between TV, books and my dreams, I'm getting so confused :?

I've always had a bad memory. I remember certain things, but I tend to repress anything bad that has happened to me. And I think I repressed so much, that I started to forget things that weren't even bad. Also, my life is so boring that there's nothing exciting to remember anyway.

Now, I'm started to feel lost in a daze.
Last week, I started watching episodes of Detective Conan online. I'd watch about 5 episodes at once, then, I'd go watch Murder, She Wrote. It's no surprise that I started to dream about solving mysteries and deaths. But, I'm getting paranoid over every little thing--not that I wasn't paranoid before...

Also, I was reading Eclipse so now, everything reminds me of Bella and Edward.

Then, there's my dreams. I've always wanted to live in them. I rarely if ever have nightmares. They're always great and enjoyable. I feel nothing but joy in them, and when I wake up, I'm extremely disappointed to realize that it was only a dream.

And when I try to remember something, it gets tangled up in my dreams, books and TV shows. I may be slowly losing it.

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream" - Edgar Allan Poe

At a loss for words... per usual.

Nothing special has happened, I just don't know what to blog about. There's all of those thoughts buzzing around in my mind, but I don't feel like putting any of them here, out in the open for anyone to see.

So, here's another icon-filled blog.

Darn music quoting icons // The truth about girls

I hate it when I find a nice icon, with a quote that I like, only to realize or assume that the quote came from a song that I don't know. I mean, what if I find a icon and it turns out that quote was from a terrible, song by a horrible singer.
So, if I have an icon, be warned that I more than likely have no clue what song it came from :P


The Truth About Girls

*DISCLAIMER* This does not apply to all females but it does apply to me. If you are a girl and you disagree or otherwise with this icons, my apologies. :D :P

So much work

I'm just a couple more blog entries away from getting the journal emblem.

I think that once I get it, I'll be blogging less..unless something important or interesting happens.

I feel so inadequate.
I've been trying to feel better about myself and everything, but it doesn't last for very long.
I know there are people who have things much worse than I do, but I still feel...worthless.
I've always thought of my life as mediocre. It's not terrible but I certainly isn't great. I don't seem to get what I want, and I know that must sound selfish, and I guess I am sometimes. But it's not like I desire much.
It's kind of embarrassing, but I guess it's not like I know anyone here (at least not as far as I know)

I had typed it up, but now I'm thinking it seems to personal, whiny and dumb. Maybe some other time, maybe never, maybe I'll feel better about my self tomorrow and forever after.



surprisingly accurate

What Your Halloween Habits Say About You

A bit of an introvert, you like the special occasions just as much as everyone else. You just have your own unique way of celebrating Halloween.

You definitely think of yourself as someone who has a dark side. And part of having that dark side means not showing it.

Your inner child is bittersweet, thoughtful, and never too greedy.

You fear people taking advantage for you. You are always worried about protecting your own interests.

You're prone to be quite emotional and over dramatic. Deep down, you enjoy being scared out of your mind... even if you don't admit it.

You are a traditionalist with most aspects of your life. You like your Halloween costume to be basic, well made, and conventional enough to wear another year.

What's Your Halloween Personality?

Featured Questions

Some questions--

1. What would it take to make you truly happy?

There's so much I wish would happen. Generally, there'd be no war, sorrow, disease, homelessness, poverty, crime...I think you get my point. No bullies, murders, lechers, thieves, etc.
Now, specifically, for me:
I'd like to find a man who truly loves me. The "perfect" guy for me who loves me as much as I love him.
A best friend who always there for me; I could tell her anything and she'd also confide in me.
I'd love to be a best-selling novelist.
I'd just want to wake up happy, go through a day feeling happy, and fall asleep happy. (I know--not very specific, I don't even know what I want, and what I do know, I'm not telling :oops: )


2. What makes a book 'good' and why?

I love books and to me, a good book usually is romance/comedy/drama and fantasy/paranormal is a bonus.
I love comedies--I love to laugh. It's just nice to forget about things that upset me and makes me depressed. I'm a sucker for romance even though the love, couples, and the like make me despondent (seeing as I've never had any of that). Although I'm not a huge fan of drama, I still enjoy it sometimes. I like fantasy--it's nice to imagine what things could be like even though it could never happen.
Basically, a book that I really "get into", I can't put down and never want to end--that's a good book for me.


3. Do you ever get writer's block? If you do, how do you deal with it?

Argh!--yes! It's very irritating. Actually, I don't deal with it. When I get writer's block, I stop writing. I rarely force a story to come out (although maybe I should). I wait for the inspiration to come to me. Sometimes it whispers in my ear, and other times it smacks me in the face. I never look--it camouflages itself.
(BTW: I'm referring to writing stories not blogs :P )


How would you answer these questions?