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Trick or Treating Jokes

Halloween is next week. And although I don't really do anything to celebrate it, I love jokes :)

Ten Signs That You're Too Old for Trick or Treating

10. You get winded from knocking on the door.

9. You have another kid chew the candy for you.

8. You ask for high fiber candy only.

7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and fall over.

6. People say, "Great Keith Richards mask!" and you're not
wearing a mask.

5. When the door opens you yell, "Trick or..." and can't
remember the rest.

4. By the end of the night, you have a bag full of
restraining orders.

3. You have to carefully choose a costume that won't
dislodge your hairpiece.

2. You're the only Super Hero in the neighborhood with a

1. You avoid going to houses where your ex-wives live.


20 Ways To Confuse Trick-Or-Treaters

1. Give away something other than candy. (Toothpicks, golf balls, bags of sand, etc.)

2. Wait behind the door until some people come. When they get near the door, jump out, wearing a costume, and holding a bag, and yell, "Trick or Treat!" Look at them, scratch your head, and act confused.

3. Fill a briefcase with marbles and crackers. Write on it, "Top Secret" in big letters. When trick-or-treaters come, look around suspiciously, say, "It's about time you got here," give them the briefcase, and quickly shut the door.

4. Get about 30 people to wait in your living room. When trick-or-treaters come to the door, say, "Come in." When they do, have everyone yell, "Surprise!!!" Act like it's a surprise party.

5. Get everyone who comes to the door to come in and see if they can figure out what's wrong with your dishwasher. Insist that it makes an unnatural "whirring" sound.

6. After you give them candy, hand the trick-or-treaters a bill.

7. Open the door dressed as a giant fish. Immediately collapse, and don't move or say anything until the trick-or-treaters go away.

8. When you answer the door, hold up one candy bar, throw it out into the street, and yell, "CRAWL FOR IT!"

9. When you answer the door, look at the trick-or-treaters, act shocked and scared, and start screaming your head off. Slam the door and run around the house, screaming until they go away.

10. Insist that the trick-or-treaters each do ten push-ups before you give them any candy.

11. Hand out menus to the trick-or-treaters and let them order their candy. Keep asking if anyone wants to see the wine list.

12. Get a catapult. Sit on your porch and catapult pumpkins at anyone who comes within 50 yards of your house.

13. When people come to the door, jump out a nearby window, crashing through the glass, and run as far away from your house as you can.

14. Answer the door dressed as a pilgrim. Stare at the trick-or-treaters for a moment, pretend to be confused, and start flipping through a calendar.

15. Instead of candy, give away colored eggs. If anyone protests, explain that the eggs are the only thing you had left over from Easter.

16. Answer the door dressed as a dentist. Angrily give the trick-or-treaters a two-hour lecture on tooth decay.

17. Answer the door with a mouthful of M&M's and several half-eaten candy bars in your hands. Act surprised, and close the door. Open it again in a few seconds, and insist that you don't have any candy.

18. Hand out cigarettes and bottles of aspirin.

19. Put a crown on a pumpkin and put the pumpkin on a throne on your porch. Insist that all of the trick-or-treaters bow before the pumpkin.

20. Dress up like a bunny rabbit. Yell and curse from the moment you open the door, and angrily throw the candy at the trick-or-treaters. Slam the door when you're finished.


Top 10 Houses to Avoid while Trick-or-Treating

10. Any house that seems to be imploding into a hole in the ground.

9. Any house made of food.

8. Any house that has ornamental lawn hyenas.

7. Any house whose only entrance goes to the basement.

6. Any house where high-tension power lines seem to stop.

5. Any house that keeps growling, "Get out"

4. Any house where the furniture seems to be walking around the living room.

3. Any house that looks more like a giant, pulsating orb floating 3 feet above the ground than a house.

2. Any house with a yard full of statues of people in odd running poses.

And the number 1 house to avoid...
1. Any house that wasn't there a couple of seconds ago.


I've returned to the blogs

I've been here every day since my last blog entry, I just haven't been making any new entries of commenting on others. I don't know why, I just wasn't in the mood.

I just realized I made a mistake in my last blog. The first sentence in the last paragraph previously said
"I was so pissed. I'm grinding my teeth and trying to FIND the urge to punch out his teeth."

That was supposed to say "FIGHT" I fixed it now.

.....I was planning on writing more, but I've got nothing to say.

Person 3 -- But not so weird // No respect for females

On Thursday after school, I was standing at the bus stop outside my college. I just happened to glance behind me and there's a girl walking towards me with a huge smile on her face.

I almost did a double take, but I never got the chance because the next thing I know, she's next to me.
She looked like she could have been any age from 14 to 20. She didn't look familiar to me so her smile kind of surprised me. I think maybe she thought I was someone else.

Then, she says to me "How long were you waiting for the bus?" To which I replied "I got here a couple of minutes ago." Then I asked which bus she was waiting for because one of the buses had just passed, but it turns out that wasn't her bus.

Well, we end up having a conversation about buses then trains. Then, the bus comes and we get on. After a while, I get a seat next to different girl. Somehow, she ends up joining the conversation.
Then, it comes time for me to get off at my stop, leaving the two of them.

Unfortunately, I have no clue what either of their names are. Through the ride, I found out both of them went to my college, and they seemed to be at least sophomores. I'm not sure if they know I'm in that college as well.
(Right next to the college is another school. I don't know if it's a high school or middle school. And I've been mistaken to be a 14-year-old before :roll: )

One thing I didn't like though is that when I'm with groups of people, I tend to feel shut out of the group and when they talk, I don't know what to say. So it was really the two girls talking with me occasionally adding input. :evil:
And their convo kept going and I never had the chance to ask their names and stuff.
I'm thinking I might see them again this Thursday, but I'm not certain.

Also, I know I said there were four people. But, :evil: the last guy is such a jerk (and I put that mildly)

So, I'll just say that happened now-- After I got off the bus from talking to the two girls, I went to my next bus stop. I end up being the first at the stop, and a line forms behind me.
Some time later, the bus comes and I get out my Metro card and prepare the board the bus. Suddenly, right as the bus doors open, this guy stands in front of me.
I'm kind of shocked because he seemed to come from no where. So I say "Excuse me!" and he gets on the bus. I mumble an obscenity as the bus driver says something to him (Hopefully telling him off about how rude he is--I couldn't hear him)

I walk down so I can seat closer to the back door of the bus but the stupid guy is there. He looks to be about my age and a thug.
He says "Hey, yo, I'm sorry about that" I say "Whatever." He says "Hey, what's your name?" I reply as I take my seat "You don't need to know"
Then, this idiot squats and looks like he's ready to grind the seat in front of me. I shoot a nasty glare at him, thinking I'll give him one more second before I twist his you-know-what
Then, some other thug-looking guys come on the bus (apparently, they're buddies) He stops before that second and walks all the way to the back with his friends. I hear them say something like "You try to talk to a girl"
I'm thinking "WTF?! That's how to talk to a girl? Show her no respect by cutting in line in front of her, give her a lame @$$ apology then show you're also apparently an immature sex fiend?!"

I was so pissed. I'm grinding my teeth and trying to fight the urge to punch out his teeth.
When I stop comes, I get off and the guys make no comment.

Strange person #2

Now, for second person. (In case anyone is wondering, despite me referring to these as stories in my previous blog, this did happen to me)

Two days ago (October 4) on my way to school, I'm on the bus and this middle-aged man sits next to me. He keeps looking outside the window on my side and across the aisle.

Then, he turns to me and starts mumbling at me. (I don't know why, but people seem to love mumbling at me) I'm not sure about everything he said. Here's what happened--

Him: You know, these busses have so many lights.
Me: (stares at him blankly)
Him: *mumbles*
Me: uh-huh
Him: On the train, there aren't so many lights. (Pauses while I turn back to face the front) And there are so many stops on the bus.
Me: (slightly nods)
Him: The train doesn't stop so often. *mumbles again*

Soon, he stops talking after he realizes I'm not responding.
It figures that the only male who wants to talk to me would be some weird old man. :roll:

The Strange People I Meet -- Person 1

First of all, I want to say I feel a bit better now. Thanks to those who posted on my last blog :)
And if you didn't....well, ok.I'm not mad or anything.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, people give me odd looks. Well, now, bizarre people are talking to me--or rather, people are saying/doing bizarre things to me.
I have decided to split them up because as of now, I have 4 different "stories" to tell and if I tell more than one, this blog will be may too long.

Person 1:

Yesterday, (October 3)I'm on my way home from college. I'm on the bus reading my book when this girl sits next to me.
The first thing I notice is how close she is.

Now, I'm not going to lie: I'm big; she's big; we're both big. (Although she's bigger than me :P )
But I've sat next to big people before, and we've never been this close. It's like she's not even trying to give me some space.

Well, then I notice that she's staring into my face.
Not a quick glance at me, or a slick slight-head-turn with her eyes looking my way. NO. Her head is completely turned to the side and she's staring at me.

So, with the number of old school mates I'd seen in the last 2 weeks (six), I'm thinking she's someone I know.
I look back at her.
She has this weird grin on her face. We stare for about 2 seconds, then I turn back to my book, but I wasn't reading. I'm wondering if I know this girl.
She's about my age, so it's possible that we could've gone to school together before. But she didn't look very familiar.

(If you don't know about my paranoia/wild imagination, you do now.)
I'm trying to figure out why she was sitting close & staring at me. I'm thinking maybe: a) she recognized me from somewhere but I didn't recognize her; b) there's something on my face and she finds it amusing but doesn't tell me; c) she's a lesbian and finds me attractive; d) she's crazy.

For the entire time she's on the bus, she's still squeezed against me (she stopped looking after a while, just quick glances).
Then she gets off.

What did she want? :?


I didn't want to do this...

But I have to complain:

Not many people are commenting on my blogs
I don't mean to seem whiny or bratty, but I hate to be ignored. And when 2-4 people out of 56 respond to my blogs, how else am I to feel?
I don't expect every single person on my friends list to comment. I know I don't always comment on everyone's blog, but I try.

I'm just not in a good mood.
I feel like I can't do anything right. I'm certain people on the streets give me strange looks for reasons I don't know. My sister and mother are constantly yelling at me.
Then, when I go to my escape (the internet). I find that I go unnoticed here.

I'm not happy.

I'm bored. so here's a blog

If I waited for something interesting to happen to be to write a blog entry, I'd end up blogging about once a month :x

Ultimate 'About Me'

by Sooz_123

1. What is Your Name?


2. How old are you?


3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?



4. What is your height?

5 feet, 6 inches

5. Do you have any siblings?

yes--older sister

6. What is your eye colour?


7. What is your hair colour?

it's dyed brown--naturally DARK brown

8. Do you wear glasses or contacts?

I have glasses that I sometimes wear

9. Are you right handed or left handed?


10. Do you have any piercings?

one in each ear

11. Do you smoke?


12. Do you swear?


13. Do you get along with your parents?

most of the time

14. Your heritage

My parents are Jamaican

15. Your fears


16. Goal you would like to achieve this year

lose about 40 pounds

17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger


18. Best Physical Feature

lips I think

19. Your bedtime

whenever I fall asleep

20. What time do you arise in the morning?

It varies; usually about 8

21. First thoughts waking up?


22. Do you shower daily?

of course

This Or That?

23. Bright or dark room?


24. Chocolate or vanilla?


25. Dogs of cats?


26. Pepsi or Coke?


27. McDonalds or Burger King?


28. Ant or Dec?

what is that?

29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?


30. Cappuccino or Coffee?

I don't drink either

In the last month have you...

31. Drank alcohol?


32. Gone to a mall?


33. Eaten a box of Oreos?

no. I've never done that

34. Eaten sushi?


35. Been on stage?


36. Been dumped?


37. Gone skinny dipping?


38. Stolen Anything?


Have you ever...

39. Laughed for no reason?


40. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?


41. Been in love?

I don't think so...

42. Fired a gun?

no..but I want to

43. Been drunk?


44. Been called a Tease?

no way

45. Been beaten up?

fortunately no

46. Shoplifted?


What was the last....

47. Furry thing you touched?

My cat, Misty :)

48. Thing you've said?

"noisy" to my sister :P

49. Song you've listened to?

"I Will" by Sowelu

50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

My sister

51. Movie you watched?

Last Life In The Universe

52. Thing you were doing before this?


53. Time you cried?

earlier today

54. Song you've sang?

"I Will"

55. Time you looked at the clock?

just now :P

56. Food and drink you've had?


57. Flavour of gum you've chewed?

I don't remember; it's been a while

58. Shoes you've worn?


59. Store you've been in?

I don't know the name. It was some kind of superstore


60. Planet?

we're supposed to say Earth, aren't we?

61. Age you've been so far?


62. Season?


63. Number?


64. TV show?

I love too many shows

65. Flower?

I don't really have a favorite. I like most of them


66. How much cash do you have on you?


67. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'?


68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?


69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?


70. What did your last text message say?

I'm not sure

71. What were you doing at midnight last night?


72. What's your current desktop picture?

It's a collage I made of gray things

73. What's a word that you say a lot?

"I don't know" (I know it's not a word, but oh well)

74. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

gray or black

75. How is the weather right now?'s evening so it's not sunny--the sky is clear

76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

The guy's face--mainly eyes & lips

77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

Yeah. I've been rejected once and I'm not really planning on trying again

78. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?


79. Who would you like to see right now?

All of my friends on high school

80. How many pillows do you sleep with?

one under my head and two around me

81. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?


82. How do you want to die?

In my sleep

83. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Survive happily

84. What country would you most like to visit?


85. How many CDs do you own?

I'm not sure

86. How many things, in your past, do you regret?

too many things

87. Do you think you are attractive?

Not really. Other people tell me, but it's mostly been females, so it doesn't really make me feel better since I'm straight -_-

88. Do you believe in yourself?

uhh....I don't think so

89. Do you want to get married?


In a boy/girl...

90. Favourite eye colour?


91. Favourite hair colour?

any "normal" color (black, brown, blonde, red-orange)

92. Short or long hair?

not too long, but enough to run my fingers through

93. Height?

a couple of inches taller than me

94. Weight?

Not too skinny or too big

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A guy walked into a bar. He was treated for minor injuries.

"I don't kill flies but I like to mess with their minds. I hold them above globes. They freak out and yell, 'Whoa, I'm way too high!'"

"You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is."

In case of emergency--some not so helpful pictures.

If you want to laugh, I suggest you go to this website WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY
I personally found it to be hilarious. :lol:
(You should open the pics in a new window before reading the comments and really think about what it's trying to say--not that you can understand it ;) )

I've increased one level, and I've gotten another emblem I'm actually not really sure what it's for. It showed up after I went to the Heroes chat, but people were saying they didn't get the emblem yet so...
Anyway, I've submitted 1003 things, so I should be getting this one soon --maybe tomorrow.

Edit (8:54 pm): Ok, I've got that 1000 contribution emblem now.

Crazy/cute squirrels

Squirrely Content XD

For the past couple of weeks, there have been squirrels living in the house. I don't mean in the house exactly, but there's this part in the roof where they've been climbing in, so I think they've been in between floors or something :? I don't think I'm explaining this very clearly....

Anyway, some guys repaired the roof and gutters so now the squirrels can't get in anymore. Earlier, there was one running around on the front steps and on the roof. My cats were going crazy :lol:




"A squirrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit"

It's been a while

A long while since I've posted here. Did anyone notice?

Well, there's nothing new going on with me (not that there ever was)
I've changed my pictures--all faeries now. I love fantasy beings.

You scored as A Too Depressed Faerie
There's no doubt about it your not a very cheerful faerie exactly. Maybe you're feeling absence or are just depressed with life or world events currently. You may be upset but that doesn't necessarily mean you're unhappy, there are some faeries who enjoy sadness. But if you're not one of them, look up and smile, if it's so bad, it can only get better.

See All Results/Comment


For 40 % you are:
You are a mermaid! You are beautiful inside and out! You love to express yourself through your emotions and through music, writing or any other form of art. As a mermaid, you think on an entirely different and deeper level than anyone else does. You make friends and keep them easily because you stay away from negativity. You love being with your friends and family as much as possible. It's nice to show others how much you care for them, but be sure to give them their space. Mermaids can be needy at times, but know that you are appreciated.

Mystical creature quiz
