technically it has co-op.
i don't have it, but i assume on the back of the box it says "1-2 players"not "1-player"
..nitpicking perhaps, but clearly coop was a major part of the game and i would not consider fable 2 a strict solo game.
i know that i am referring to the single player aspect of the game. I say this because I am focusing on the single player aspect of all games. I put maybe 100 hrs into halo 3 multiplayer and overall i would say halo 3 is the better game, but im talking about single player experience only and thats why im saying fable 2 > all other games so far this generation.
I feel like this game gives me freedom to do what I want and have fun. Its the little things that count. Like the gargoyles in this game. When you hear the strange familar voice make fun of you then you know the gargoyle is just around the corner. It taunts you until you finally find it and shoot it down.
Compare this to the pigeons in GTA4 which lack personality. And the game doesnt give much incentive to find them all.
The fable2 world has so much character and really sucks you in.
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