This is the reason because people don't trust anymore on video game portals. Youtube is catching all of your former audience. All what we see in these kind of reviews are marketing agendas.
If this game is a 7, what would be all of those 8's, 9's and 10's in other titles which are more 'movies' than actual games?
I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but it seems that portals know that people is not stupid, and they won't believe your scores, but portals need to 'contain' certain Metacritic numbers for agenda reasons. (i.e. Would be a shame that the game who paid the GOTY this year were overwhelm by a game who is not even competing, or something related with Sony's phone calls, or whatever <follow the money>).
@DarkAztaroth: You know what a PC is? Cause you are talking as those console mindless fanboys who only plays Fornite (but talks the WHOLE day about their few exclusives, 2 hours duration each lol). Hackers? Virus? Setups? Really... ?
Man, consoles today give more troubles than a good PC. If you do all what you think you do (modeling, emulation, bills, files, etc), you for sure has a PC in good shape, no virus, no crashes, no stupid myths. Why console fanboys always lie? What do you want to prove to 'me'? I don't care if you are playing in the most stupid way, with no retrocompatibility, without a single mod in your life. It is you who is suffering the worst version of 99% of the games, and the worst possible shape for your few exclusives without a single mod. pfsss...
@cage_92: I don't understand this: If console players always wanted those features, why weren't they playing on PC all of this time? Are you damaged or what? Just scientific curiosity.
@hsnberg: Doom, Quake, Baldur's Gate, Age of Empires,Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Half Life, Portal, WoW, LoL, Minecraft, PUBG... (and thousands more). And still counting entire genres as shooter, strategy, graphic adventure, simulators, RPG, Isometric ARPGs, MMO, MOBA. And every new game which is playing the entire world, have born on PC, since Counterstrike to the last Among Us or Minecraft.
Each time I read a console fanboy I think they live in a bubble of fantasy, for that reason may these kind of news cause massive suicides on fanatics of a single brand.
@cage_92: play real online games with dedicated servers like lol, eve, wow, path of exile, war thunder, etc, not that casual crap with console version for kids which are pyrated because their online servers sucks. ;)
The community of the 'game' isn't divided at all. Everyone agree about what means to destroy a sequel of anything.
It is the community of that 'console' which is divided between normal people, and fanboys which will justify whatever for their brand, as if they were stockholders.
@hrv_25: Seems not working well the forum so I don't know what's the last post, but in synthesis:
1. most played games of the world are PC based (and with emulation almost 100% are on PC).
2. You say a multiplatform game "is also on consoles", but WHICH console? You have them all? connected? at the same time? really you still playing on N64 or PS1 in these days? I have all my catalogue on my last PC at few clicks. That comfort is priceless. If I grew up with consoles, today I couldn't still playing acceptably my whole history, but I have installed Baldur's Gate, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Age of Empires, Diablo 2, and still playing them with mods, time to time. You can only play 1 or 2 games in your console, just the last ones, being hard to uninstall-reinstall a game due lack of disk space, etc. You say playing on console is comfortable? easy? fast? really?
3. All the most popular Playstation exclusives are semi-movies, I was interested in Uncharted long time ago (with all of those fanboys spreaaaaading that it was the best of the best of the best...), well, I saw the complete Uncharted gameplay in youtube, nothing of other world, a BAD quality movie (isn't Avatar...), full of cliches. And the most important of those genre is that once you know the plot, you don't feel the necessity of play them, you know almost all. Now see a gameplay of Pillars of Eternity, Starcraft, Guild Wars, LoL, Minecraft, you won't be satisfied, you would need to play at your way, with different characters, or skills, or questing, or mods... you are understanding the difference between games and movies.
@hrv_25: My PC is from 2016. I can play all games I want, Skyrim, Fallout or Dark Souls with mods (better than in ANY console). I don't play shooters, prefer RPG as Pillars of Eternity, Grim Dawn or WoW, 120fps with a GTX1080 2K monitor... hmmm I was playing better than any console all of my life and you say I need to upgrade. For what? To play ULTRA? Tell me this: if you don't care to play ultra on your consoles, why should I? That is the freedom of PC, you go ULTRA if you want, and if you don't care, no one is forcing you to upgrade at certain "generation".
That leads to you saying you plays on PC... Really? So you are changing your PC each year? Or you play best than any console even without needing to go ULTRA? Stop spreading console-tard myths please.
You are comparing Baldur's Gate from 20 years ago, with a recent game. Compare Baldur's with one of those movie-games from consoles of that year, tell me which is better, or which still played today. Or compare TLOU with Skyrim or The Witcher, ah...
In that list, there are 25 games on PC (many born on PC, then multi). The rest are in 1 or 2 consoles, for example, Pokemon is on Gameboy Color, how you would play it in your PS4, Xbox 360 or Switch. Ah... consolE doesn't mean consolES, a game on A console doesn't mean it will be playable in YOUR console, right? PC is the platform with most games, the most played, most genres, and if you count emulators, almost ALL is (or will be), on PC. And in this time when MS now is launching all on PC, and PS is taking the same way, first with PS Now and then directly porting the entire game. So...
And you were talking about profit? You really think a console game has more profit than any PC exclusive as WoW, LoL, DotA, Guild Wars, Path of Exile? Everybody wants to sell on PC, Xbox is now PC, and PS is taking the same way, think a second "why" they are "betraying" their fanboys. Console fans are so cute.
@hrv_25: talking of fanboys, thank you for not answer any of my points. However, I will continue responding at what you say:
By compatibility there matters only 1 thing: that you can play a game in your current hardware.
You said "no compatibility issues", well, consoles are the less compatible devices ever created, making OBSOLETE previous games to force you buy next. With a current PC you can play all PC games backwards, and also, emulate many consoles, so...
You need to change hardware... IF... you want to play ultra. You can still playing in console quality without touching a single screw the whole generation. You are taking an advantage of PCs (the option to improve quality, only if you WANT), as a disadvantage? Who is the fanboy here?
Here is the list of 50 best-selling video games of all time, the only for PS is TLOU (a movie...), and it is ranked 49. Major are PC, Nintendo and multiplatform, enjoy it.
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