[QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]360 all the way, better game library...EmperorSupreme
I disagree. It had a better gaming library.
So the PS3 released a bunch of titles since November that somehow overshadowed all of the AAA titles on the 360?
X360 has zero action games like Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, or Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
Really now? Define action games. If you want to get technical, the XBOX 360 also has Ninja Gaiden.
Has nothing that compete with platformers like Ratchet and Clank for PS3 or Super Mario for Wii.
Banjo Threeie says hello. It's not like he'll need a platformer considering he has Super Mario Galaxy.
Zero innovative titles like Eye of Judgement, Little Big Planet, Singstar, etc...
Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band say hello. And being innovative doesn't make it good, a little lesson there..
Again X360 Zero for big online games like Warhawk 32 players and Resistance 40 players.
Halo 3 is superior to Resistence and Warhawk. Arguing against it is going against Gamespot, Gamerankings, Metacritic, and Sales.
It had the best shooters until COD4 came out which is just as good on PS3. In my opinion COD4 is the best shooter currently. Of course some say PS3 Unreal Tournament.
And some day PS3 Unreal Tournament is a big let down. It'll be released on the 360 in 2008 anyways. XBOX 360 is better for shooters either way.
Also the X360 lineup for 08 is very weak.
According to you. Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, Banjo Threeie, Alen Wake, Left 4 Dead, Lost Oddyssey, Cry on, Infinite Undiscovery, Fable 2, and all of the multiplats such as Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 5 will be released in 2008. It's not like the 360's 2007 lineup will just die and cease to exist. PS3 is playing catchup in 2008, and even after, will it really surpass the XBOX 360's 2007 + 2008?
That was a rhetorical question, as anything that is positive for the 360 is obviously a lie. The PS3 is the greatest piece of art in the universe; all of the professionals and consumers who fail to acknowledge and support this through giving good scores and purchasing the product are just idiots compared to your unholy power.
Is your entire purpose to come here and bash the 360 while putting the PS3 on a pedistal? Does Sony pay you? That entire post was comparing flops and let downs to a system that has arguably one of the best releases in gaming history.
TC: One lesson you should learn is to do your own research. People such as EmperorSuprem will put his own vendetta against a consumer product against logic, and try to assimilate you into their cause.
The way it is - XBOX 360 currently has the best library on any system [library quality is subjective, so a standard needs to be made; I use Gamerankings, Metacritic, Gamespot, and sales here, which basically covers everything outside of individual opinion]. XBOX 360 has the best online support, and is the cheaper of the two consoles (360 and PS3).
2008 will be a good year for both PS3 owners and 360 owners. Look at some of the '08 releases and decide if any of them are must haves. Look at the current line ups and decide if any of them are must haves. IGN has some great pieces up that reflect on 2007, and it can really help you find the system that fits you best.
Despite what many fanboys would like you to think, XBOX 360 has a great 2008 ahead of it. Unlike the PS3, XBOX 360 has already established its big hitter exclusives (and PC/360 cross-platformers). As I said before: in 2008, PS3 is playing catchup.
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