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#1 Apathetic-Irony
Member since 2006 • 1391 Posts

So now LBP is GotY?

All of the games listed have very simple gameplay. Yes you don't need a huge budget to make a simple, fun, addictive game. You do need a big budget to make a huge AAA title.

Just imagine Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo 3, or Oblivion without their big budgets backing them.

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#2 Apathetic-Irony
Member since 2006 • 1391 Posts

Yay cows copying a game they hate on because its not on there system :roll:Gh0st_Of_0nyx

Because every PS3 owner is a cow, AMIRITE?!!


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#3 Apathetic-Irony
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Made me laugh.

It's like a mixture of Sidewinder and Valhalla.

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#4 Apathetic-Irony
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[QUOTE="nervmeister"]These two upcoming console exclusives both seem amazing in terms of graphics. But which do you think is more eligible to make a grab for Uncharted's top spot as Graphics King?fistoflight

Alan wake is on pc therefore it's not exclusive. On the graphics side I think the characters in killzone looks better but the enviorment in alan wake looks better.

Microsoft Exclusive :roll:

I really don't see why it matters which actually does look better in the end. They both look so frickin amazing, that it blows my mind if anybody cares about the marginal differences between games that give Gears of War graphic's a run for its money.

Wasdie, you say that Killzone 2 has better lighting. I disagree. I believe Killzone 2 has a more stylized lighting systen, but what I saw in the Alan Wake demo, with him inside of that garage, I got a huge craving to play the game and a great amount of hope for zombies being in the game. It truly felt creepy, cramped, dark, and lonely. I think they both have great lighting -- just two different styles. And just because it's dark and stormy out, doesn't mean there isn't any color. Everything becomes darker, it doesn't suddenly turn to gray scale. Killzone 2 probably has its color pallete as an art choice, to give it a more gritty feeling. I think it does a very good job.

And if that Tornado scene can be done on the 360, I'll eat my hat and dubb it the most powerful console on the market. I don't believe anything like that can be done on the PS3 or 360. I can't even begin to imagine how insane that would be to be playing the game, have a storm appear, and have that tornado come down from the sky and start heading towards you.

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#5 Apathetic-Irony
Member since 2006 • 1391 Posts

360. The PS3 has no gamesthe_h_bomb

Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, Warhawk, and Heavenely Sword say hello.

Though those don't really compare to the 360's library, they're still great games.

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#6 Apathetic-Irony
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[QUOTE="DXGreat1_HGL"]360 all the way, better game library...EmperorSupreme

I disagree. It had a better gaming library.

So the PS3 released a bunch of titles since November that somehow overshadowed all of the AAA titles on the 360?

X360 has zero action games like Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, or Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

Really now? Define action games. If you want to get technical, the XBOX 360 also has Ninja Gaiden.

Has nothing that compete with platformers like Ratchet and Clank for PS3 or Super Mario for Wii.

Banjo Threeie says hello. It's not like he'll need a platformer considering he has Super Mario Galaxy.

Zero innovative titles like Eye of Judgement, Little Big Planet, Singstar, etc...

Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band say hello. And being innovative doesn't make it good, a little lesson there..

Again X360 Zero for big online games like Warhawk 32 players and Resistance 40 players.

Halo 3 is superior to Resistence and Warhawk. Arguing against it is going against Gamespot, Gamerankings, Metacritic, and Sales.

It had the best shooters until COD4 came out which is just as good on PS3. In my opinion COD4 is the best shooter currently. Of course some say PS3 Unreal Tournament.

And some day PS3 Unreal Tournament is a big let down. It'll be released on the 360 in 2008 anyways. XBOX 360 is better for shooters either way.

Also the X360 lineup for 08 is very weak.

According to you. Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, Banjo Threeie, Alen Wake, Left 4 Dead, Lost Oddyssey, Cry on, Infinite Undiscovery, Fable 2, and all of the multiplats such as Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 5 will be released in 2008. It's not like the 360's 2007 lineup will just die and cease to exist. PS3 is playing catchup in 2008, and even after, will it really surpass the XBOX 360's 2007 + 2008?

That was a rhetorical question, as anything that is positive for the 360 is obviously a lie. The PS3 is the greatest piece of art in the universe; all of the professionals and consumers who fail to acknowledge and support this through giving good scores and purchasing the product are just idiots compared to your unholy power.

Is your entire purpose to come here and bash the 360 while putting the PS3 on a pedistal? Does Sony pay you? That entire post was comparing flops and let downs to a system that has arguably one of the best releases in gaming history.

TC: One lesson you should learn is to do your own research. People such as EmperorSuprem will put his own vendetta against a consumer product against logic, and try to assimilate you into their cause.

The way it is - XBOX 360 currently has the best library on any system [library quality is subjective, so a standard needs to be made; I use Gamerankings, Metacritic, Gamespot, and sales here, which basically covers everything outside of individual opinion]. XBOX 360 has the best online support, and is the cheaper of the two consoles (360 and PS3).

2008 will be a good year for both PS3 owners and 360 owners. Look at some of the '08 releases and decide if any of them are must haves. Look at the current line ups and decide if any of them are must haves. IGN has some great pieces up that reflect on 2007, and it can really help you find the system that fits you best.

Despite what many fanboys would like you to think, XBOX 360 has a great 2008 ahead of it. Unlike the PS3, XBOX 360 has already established its big hitter exclusives (and PC/360 cross-platformers). As I said before: in 2008, PS3 is playing catchup.

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#7 Apathetic-Irony
Member since 2006 • 1391 Posts

Go PS3 better variety of games now and far better exclusives in 2008. Secondly why take a chance with X360 on it dying. PS3 is cheaper as well by the time you add in all the extra costs associated with owning an X360. So you get a better product, better games, more exclusives, more technology, more features, better graphics, all for less than you'd spend on an X360.

To me knowing what we know about X360 you'd be insane to spend money on an X360.


That whole statement is a spew of fanboy garbage.

Better games? Maybe if you're talking 2008 vs 2008, but comparing complete libraries, the XBOX 360 blows the PS3 away. Gamerankings, Metacritic, Gamespot, and sales agree with this.

More technology and features? Maybe, but not all of them are needed, nor are all of them essential to gaming. "THE XBOX 360 CAN COOK BREAKFAST! SEE! ITS GOOD VALUE!" That is irrelevent. We're talking gaming machines here.

Better graphics? For how many games, 4? Most multiplats look better on the 360, and unless something drastic is done [ie. The PS3 not being harder and cost more to develope for with a smaller user base and drastically smaller software sales numbers], this most likely won't change much. The XBOX had better graphics than the PS2. That worked out real well; and the difference between the XBOX and PS2 is MUCH larger than the 360 and PS3. It's kinda cute when you see PS3 fanbois trying to argue which system has superior graphics, when the PS3 was supposed to blow everything else away.

PS3 cost $400, and that has no backwards compatability. XBOX 360 cost $280 or $350 + two games (totally in about $90 in value). Saying its cheaper after added costs is garbage. You might as well throw in the cost for power consumption.


If you want what's currently the best system, get an XBOX 360. If you want to bet on potential, wait for MGS4 to come out and buy a PS3. There is no point in having one now, when you can wait for another price drop that'll inevitably happen within the next few months.

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#8 Apathetic-Irony
Member since 2006 • 1391 Posts

Worst, Eslim? :| Well you're allowed your opinions I suppose.

Anyways, I haven't turned and don't seem to be yet. Then again, I don't make any "allegiance" with companies, I just play the games more so. Hoping for a PS3 soon, but don't expect one this holiday season...


Not only is it the worst it should not have even gotten AA. I consider MM mask to be the best in the 3D series and OoT is my all time favorite game. TP did nothing special except add a more in depth battle system which I actually liked and should be in future installments. Everything else in TP was trash.



Because I don't like a game in a franchise I absolutely adore I am a fakeboy. How about you know stop acting like everybody is supposed to feel the same way you do. I hated TP so there. You can't change my opinion about it. My reasons for disliking it has nothing to do with your Nintendo fanboy rant. True gamers are not blinded in any way possible. I love the Zelda franchise andTP hurt me because it actually sucked. Playing the game was just not fun. If you read the other posts I made in this thread you wouldn't be so quick to jump to your fanboyish ways.

No you didn't, and if you did, your not only the worst reviewer of all time, your possibly the first person to flame Twilight Princess that actually completed the game.

That said, saying Twilight Princess is a bad game, is the real world equivelant of saying Big Mama's House 2 is the best movie of all time, and Pulp Fiction sucked.

I can't disprove your opinion, but me, every paid reviewer, every person who has ever completed any game, period, and every lemming, cow, sheep, and hermit know, even if in secret, that it is laughably wrong.

I agree. The Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess was a great game, and well worth the $50 spent and the time invested to play it. It just wasn't nearly as good as other iterations such as Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time. It lacked in so many areas, that it didn't even manage to capture the nastalgic feel of Ocarina of Time despite being so similar.

It was still a great game; it's a solid AA title. It's just not AAA-AAAA quality like the rest of the series, that's all.

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#9 Apathetic-Irony
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I'm just curious if there area lot of people like me who used to be hardcore Nintendo fans (the name Nintendo was synonymas with video games back in the 80's early 90's). I was wondering if you'd like to share your stories of what made you turn, or if you stayed with them for the long run.

Myself, I was all about everything Nintendo did, UNTIL, Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess was delayed for the umteenth time on Gamecube, even then I held my allegience, until I heard they were contemplating only bringing it to the revolution. That did it for me, I sold my Gamecube, and turned my back on video games completely for a while because of that. The whole reason I wanted a Gamecube was for that game, arg.

Now I think my anger has turned down a few notches, I've had a lot of fun with my PS3 this year and was thinking the only thing that could enhance my gaming experience right now would be to get a Wii, so I could go back and play all those fun games again. I think the N64 had the best games of any system for it's time.

Anyway, anybody else?


Hey man don't worry if you didn't play TP you didn't miss out on much. It is the worst 3D Zelda game ever created by Nintendo. I couldn't believe it was a Zelda game.

WHAT!@? I mean, it didn't quited leave you with that... "Epic" feeling like Ocarina of Time did and the controls definitely could've been better, but none the less it was an incredible experience. Sure it got a little derivitive but the boss battles and interesting story just kept you so engaged.

TP lacked a lot of things OoT had which is my favorite game of all time. Game was super easy. I was bored throughtthe game. I only finished it just to finish it. The lack of a musical instrument also pissed me off. Also while there were townspeople compare to OoT, WW, and MM the townspeople felt lifeless to me. Things became way to repetitive and graphically it was just a mess for a gamecube game. I liked the artstyle, but it just looked washed out and bland to me. You compare this Zelda to the past 3D zeldas and you wonder if this is even a Zelda game. The things that made the past zeldas game good was taken out in this game.

I agree. No town had that little happy feeling that Kakariko Village gave off. Some of the characters were happy with the sad/mellow peaceful music in the background -- it had an odd sort of feeling and atmosphere.

I didn't feel any of that in Twilight Princess. In fact, it's the only Zelda game where I never felt too compelled to do a majority of the side "quests". I couldn't even find the damned fishing hole.

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#10 Apathetic-Irony
Member since 2006 • 1391 Posts

As someone who was trying to run people over in a mongoose today (its a Halo 3 achievement).. I feel offended :(


I already got the achievement, and I still try to run people over with a mongoose.