The only weapon that TRUE Splinter Cell players use is called 'Hostiles Undisturbed Bonus'... But I'll be damned if it isn't fun to break out the Honey Badger when things go sour!
@LpcWarrior @wwlettsome In my limited experience with this game, the command wheel in this one seems to have four horrible flaws that are as follows:
A) Bringing up the action wheel does not stop time but only slows it down. Granted it's something like X0.10 speed, but it was enough for one of my guys to wander off and alert the enemies before I could set up my sniper several times.
B) While setting up waypoints, your cursor is bound to the same laws of the battlefield as your character movements. Want to tell a guy to move onto the other side of a long fence? You have to follow the fence along with the cursor until you can reach the other side. Which is completely unnecessary and makes navigating the battlefield in command mode a pain in the ass.
C) Special actions like the artillery strike that one of your companions has, can only be dropped within a certain radius of where he is standing. This isn't a problem in itself but the problem comes when first issuing a waypoint for him so that he can get close enough to use it. Instead of the radius being bound to the waypoint you just set which would allow you to tell him to move into range and then use his ability, the radius is still bound to his character which means you have to issue his move order, close the command wheel, wait for him to reach his destination, and then go into the command wheel again to issue the attack order. It's just not a very efficient way of doing it and breaks up your own combat way too much.
D) Messing up a single order seems to require you to wipe every single order you just issued and start again... For both party members.
@Darkfall_05 @Apathy4Marmite @monson21502 @yoda101280 Silver Live has sweet FA to do with Monson's bad comparison between Microsoft charging for a Kinect most people don't even want and Sony charging for PS+.
@monson21502 @yoda101280 "Sony is forcing you to pay for online gaming."
"Why try to force people to pay extra for services they don't even want."
The key word in that sentence is 'don't', It's entirely reasonable for a company to charge for a service that is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL when it costs to maintain it on their end.
The difference is that Sony are saying "If you want it, you'll have to pay for it." Where as Microsoft are saying "If you don't want it, you still have to pay for it."
How some of you manage to justify Microsoft doing shit like this is beyond me... :/
"That Harrison said he envisions consumers gravitating towards."
I'm sorry, but at what point since the Xbox One's reveal event have you ever been under the firm impression that people are 'gravitating' towards not just your arm flailing gimmick controller, but your whole damn console?
@Stiler @lazzdamian666 When you game on a tight budget, it's not a case of "I'm only getting one because they're essentially the same game." but more a case of "I can only afford one so I need to make sure it's a $60 investment that I'm going to be happy with."
@CruCible727 @granola_goodnes @Apathy4Marmite Aye, I'm not exactly part of the pro-gun or anti-gun clubs, I can see the appeal of them and both the pros and cons of them being available for civilian use.
I find it funny though that every time there is an incident, the perpetrator is described as a 'deranged gamer' or a 'deranged gun enthusiast' and yet nobody in government or the media is ever interested in focusing on the 'deranged' part.
Apathy4Marmite's comments