@Ayebang @Apathy4Marmite @GLOK1132 I don't care if Sony can or cannot deliver voice commands. As long as I'm not paying for something I don't want, then I'm absolutely chipper.
And like I said... It's a matter of preference. If you want a Kinect then by all means buy an XBOX One. Just don't try and tell the rest of us what we should have/want in our living room, so give that 'true gamer' shit a rest.
It looks more like one man's personal preference taken as gospel to me.
Half these features I don't even want and they're not just 'included'. The development cost is reflected in the retail price, so I'm not interested in handing over $100 over a PS4 for features I won't even use.
So here's the deal in the simplest terms for all who are defending Microsoft on this decision:
The mandatory inclusion of the Kinect is putting a serious increase on the overall retail price of the XBOX One.
Many people who wish to buy an XBOX One have absolutely no interest in Kinect and have zero intentions of ever using it.
Why then is it acceptable for Microsoft to force anyone who is interested in the XBOX One to pay excess money for an optional peripheral device that they don't want?
A fair review I think. Good ideas and great visuals (although it conflicts massively with the original Japanese-esque art style of the first two games)... Just a shame it's all held together with boring, BORING gameplay. :(
Apathy4Marmite's comments