[QUOTE="Skylock00"][QUOTE="dvader654"] Oh they should never let story get in the way of making another awesome SotC game. So invent a new story, who cares. Give me more giant colossi, and another beautiful world to explore.
It doesn't seem like something they'd do as a development team, though, at all.A direct sequel to SotC is the /last/ thing I'd expect them to make, period. I want something that is only related in a spiritual fashion, and something different altogether. They've done colossi, they've done it extremely well aside from some frame rate issues, let's see what else they can do.
They can make an original game after they make SotC 2. :)
SotC is a sure bet, I did not like Ico at all so I am fifty fifty with them, their next original game can turn out to be some shallow game like Ico, no thank you. I know SotC formula works, use it. Or how about this mix the two games, a game where you need to rescue a girl while giant colossi are trying to kill you, to take them down you need to manage both characters, think of the puzzles.
Make the colossi bosses and add some monsters your size so they can give you trouble along the way and you got yourself a classic;)
Wi ShOuld bE diFaliperS!!!!!!!!!!11!!111!!!1!!!!1!111111!!!!!!!
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