We all have our favorite games,And when you ask somebody what they like about a game its always:"gameplay graphics....etc.",But theres always something you like about the game that may be a small aspect about it or something that happens all the time that others dont really care about it,it can be something about the character or world.
It really doesnt matter but you like it and if it was absent in the sequel you would be devistated.
I hope you can share yours because heres mine:
MGS Series-I freaking love the codec conversations,the voice acting is great in my opinion and I love the games script,And I love it when after I save I get to talk to the one I called,My favorite was Para-Medic in MGS3.
The Legend Of Zelda Series-I love the feeling I get when I play it,I feel like this heroic figure that everyone depends on,I also love the "Get small key/fight miniboss/get item/get boss key/beat boss with the weapon I just got formula"
SotC-I love it that the only enemies are the gaint monsters im hunting down,I feel free and open when I explore and theres no monsters chasing after me.
DMC-I love it when I slash enemies up in the air and keep them there by shooting them,It never gets old,Im like "HAHA!!! YOU LIKE BEING UP THERE!!!,oh you dont want to fall,well let me help you.....WITH MY GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:BAM!!!"
GOW Series-I feel like this huge prick who goes around killing civillians and raping random woman,and I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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