Well so far About 5 or 6 people have PM'd me to tell me i have a awsome blog and they are subscribers. Well i really appreciate it guys. They've also told me they are going to speard the word on my blog to, i guess other people who are interested in M$. Yes, They all are Microsft fanboys like me but i know more people are listening out there. Their either too shy to PM or do not have an account. And For some reason the people who have subscribed cannot comment or do anything but read. I've told GS about this and so far no response. Anyways these many subscribers are pretty good for a newbie account and im almost at level 12!
Arbiter1237 Blog
WOOT!! My second review is up and a recap on How I Review My Games.
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
I've just reviewed Crimson Skies for the xbox, so check it out. More to come, but in time. And BTW this is the last time im going to blog about my reviews being up so just look at my reviews section.Also here is a recap on how i review my games:
Graphics: something out of 10: How do the graphics stack up for the game? Are they on a high level for the system? Is it a multiplat game? If so how do the grahics compare on other system to this? And how often do the graphics seem to lag. These are just some of the things i look for.
Gameplay:" "/10: Are the controlles easy to handle? How long does it take to learn them? And once learned does it feel right?
Sound/Music: " "/10: Is the music really annyoing or so good it will make you wanna buy the sound track? How realistic does the sound effects sound?
Value: " "/10: Is the game worth all the money you've got? Does it contain features that make it worth a certain price? Do I think it should be worth for less or more?
Replay Value:""/10: Even though everthing about the game may be below average does is seem worth playing over and over again?
Overall: (using GS's rating system) " "/10: Summery ofwhat i think of the game and do i recomend to anyone? or to certain people?
Well thats it. I'm pretty serious about reviewing games but more rating, than writing a review :P
Its November! and the weekend! (Weekly update)
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
Well Anyways, Its finally November and almost the end of the year! Wow. Back in 2006 i'd never thought i'd get here b/c all of the good games coming out late this year. Wow. this year was truely the best in gaming history and will go down in the books. On a off-topic note ITS FINALLY THE WEEKEND!! but not only that, its a long weekend for me too!! I'm also getting close to owning a new xbox 360 this december with halo 3. I will tell you my personal opinion about 360 and h3, so tune in!! Also one more thing, i may or may not be blogging this weekend if i dont really feel like it. i dont right now honestly (however i may change my mind, even right now), but i'd thought i should keep you updated and also i want a very relaxing long-weekend ( 8) ) as i am very tired of school, so i look forward to this (long) weekend.
So untill then, see ya! :D ;)
The Kind of music I Listen to
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
Halloween su*ks 4 me
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
so as i write this today it is halloween 2 day and i'm at the moment where annyoing little kids come to you door with high-pitched voices sceaming "TRICK OR TREAT!" in front of your face. Well anyways im not going to revail my age, but i am a teenager. I got someone eles to give the annyoing little kids their candy. For me halloween used to be fun but now it just su*ks. seriously. last year was the last time i was gonna go trick-or-treating.Is it just me or does halloween suck. Ya i thinks is me b/c i r 2 lazy 2 go trix-ur-treatings. (see my lazy language there ;) ). So im pretty sure last year was the last time i go trix-ur-treatings. But honestly i'd rather blog here than go trix-or-treatings.
Why Leopard isn't Better than Vista.
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
This is based on a blog by Joe Wilcox:
"There is much to like about Leopard, but this cat scratches-oh, am I wounded.
What's bugging me about Leopard is what bugged me about Vista eight months ago, that doesn't seem toanymore:
- Feature or UI changes made without really good reasons.
- Application compatibility problems.
- Diminished performance compared to the predecessor operating system.
- Irksome sense the software shipped before being really ready."
If you're not up on Apple's SOP, that last point is what they always do, Joe. In fact, the company shipped its first Leopard update less than 24 hours after it hit retail. Expect plenty of updates in the weeks ahead.
"Like Microsoft, Apple has added new and annoying security prompts to the operating system. This morning, I downloaded an updated NewsFire RSS reader and got a warning popup asking if I really wanted to open this application-because it came from the Internet. Maybe Apple's user interface designers should watch their own TV commercials."
Um. No offense, but Apple had their version of UAC well before Microsoft did. That it's even more annoying in Leopard says a lot about the company's hypocrisy obviously.
"Leopard is no better than Vista, in the sense that some-perhaps many-of the same migration complaints and problems apply. Windows' visibility and exponentially large number of applications amplify its complaints. There are more potential problems to have with Windows compared to Mac OS X. Besides, Microsoft is the successful company so many people love to hate. Criticism is easy, and it's frequent."
Exactly. Both companies sell OSes, so it seems like a fair comparison. But there are one billion people using Windows right now, compared to about 25 million on Mac OS X. Do the math.
"By comparison, Vista's shakedown is largely over. I have little to complain about and lots more to like about Vista than I did in February."
Yep. It just keeps getting better, no doubt about it.
It will be interesting to watch the Mac lobbyists go nuts on this guy, BTW. After all, his blog is called "Microsoft Watch."
Apple is Seriously Lame.
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
Now I am not saying this as a fanboy. A couple of days ago people found out that apple had mocked the "blue screen of death" Windows error (whice rarely or even never happens to windows users of 2000 and up). How? There's this program called boot camp whice lets you install multiple OSes on Apple's OS (but why would you buy an expensive mac to run Windows?) When you see the Icon for a Windows Boot Camp start up, the acually Icon pic was the blue screen of death. I MEAN COME ON APPLE!!! How immature as a company is that. I mean BSOD only happend in older versions of Windows in the early 90's. It doesnt happen today. I honestly dont totally hate apple as i do, say Sony. But this is just low. Infact sometimes i look forward to what apple has for M$ as competion. But this is just lame, absolutly lame.This is really all Steve Jobs (the comany's CEO and visionary) Apple picks on Vista maybe even more than their fanboys. I will prove to you how Vista is better than OS X and M$ didnt copy apple. I will in a future Blog of mine. I used to look up to Steve Jobs even just a bit more than Bill Gates. But now i have finally found who Steve Jobs really is. A soar loser who is obiously jealous of somebody's success, that they have earned. Microsoft.
TV shows i am currently watching and loving
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
Well Heroes (one of my fav shows) is coming on in 30 mins. as i write this to date. i'm excited b/c this show is increadible along with these shows i think the same about:
House M.D.Medical Drama
South Park. Cartoon Comedy
Death Note. Japanize Anime.
You should Check thses show out if you want to ;)
Last week was one of the best ones for Micro$oft!
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
On the week of october 22nd 2007 a lot of very good things were in for M$. Now besides me being happy for the company because they've really desvered it, this was one of M$'s best weeks ever! First they got the deal with facebook before google. Then they annouced thier best revenue since 1999, beat the wall street's guesses and to top it off annouced that 88 million copy's of windows vista had been sold! Within theWindows market (about %93 of the OS market) vista is placed at more than %10 in the windows market beating windows 2000 and only 2nd to windows xp. also within 6 months, the userbase of vista surpassed that of apple's OSX market share of %5 (whice took 7 years to build up to for apple). WOW, just wow! Now i may have missed some other important good things that happend to M$ but this was all happing the week apple was shipping thier newest OS called OS X Leopard. usually M$ has boring average weeks where nothing happens.And sometimesbad weeks, but that was an awsome week for M$.
Funny YouTube Vid series related to halo :)
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
If you've been looking looking for something funny to watch on youtube and are into or know about halo then you have to watch this! go to youtube.com and search 'Master Chief Sucks at halo". Now its a 3-part series so make sure you watch all of them! After you watch the first one, follow the link the the 2nd one.
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