Arbiterisl33t69's forum posts
Lol, that's the EXACT thing PS3 people mocked Xbox for :lol: Hypocracy, always funny. I wasn't on System wars in 07'-'08. My point still stands, there is no substitute for real versus or co-op on the couch. Half the fun is taunting/mocking or just styling with your friends face to face. :P This whole "stay connected with friends'' crap is a poor subsitute for a gaming session with friends coming over. You act as if anyone using party chat is some socially awkward nerd. Do you realize not everyone can come over all the time? That's what party chat is for. I party chat with people I know IRL. Not everyone lives close to each other. "Invite women and friends and have a goooood time" Wtf are you talking about here, lol. You HAVE to make little get-togethers to play fvcking video games? What would the women do? This ain't a commercial, IRL most wouldn't be very entertained, and the closest I've done a "video game party" which sounds awfully lame was a drinking game with Mario Party.[QUOTE="locopatho"][QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"] I'd rather invite some friends over, get some pizza and coke, do some 4 player co-op games or fighting games, instead of having party chat like some socially awkward nerd. But that's probably the difference between xbox and ps3 gamers. Xbox gamers do party chat, PS3 gamers invite women and friends over and have a gooood time.
[QUOTE="GhoX"]I'm actually fine with this, since those children shouldn't be owning mature-rated games in the first place. Their parents should start acting like parents for once and get rid of those games for them. On the other hand any sensible adult who is capable of making his own decisions would just ignore the matter.superclockedAny sensible adult should know that videogames do not create murderers. Hell, if anything, hanging out on the streets instead of playing videogames creates murderers.. That being said though, there are games that I do find too violent or offensive to let my kids play. GTA and Bulletstorm come to mind...
Hanging out on the streets creates murderers? Depends on what kinds of streets. Hope you're not implying that going out of the house creates murderers, lmfao.
What they should be doing is reading the Bible where we learn nice peaceful things like when god wiped out the world with a flood for not believing in him enough, or when he tortured that Job fellow to show how much he believed, or when David killed that giant with a rock and a sling, or when the walls of Jericho fell and they massacred that city or how about when Sodom and Gammorrah partied too hard and god obliterated them and then turned Lots wife into a pillar of salt for peaking? Still too tame eh? How about when God ordered one of his angels to murder the first born child of every Egyptian family? No? How about some good old fashioned fratricide when Cain and Able decided to have at it? The Bible, way less violent (especially to children) than all those video games you read about. Of course you could just decide to take the easy road and pin everything on videogames instead I guess.blue_hazy_basic
You're falling to their level going as far as to blame the Bible. You're just as bad as they are.
[QUOTE="Stefan91x"]Nah I'm surprised about your immaturity.Yes me not liking Zelda makes me immature. Do me a favor. Stop using words you don't understand. Nice dodging. He was clearly referring to your stubborn and condescending attitude. Looking down on people for being younger than you and calling them "dumb". If you truly are 38 years old, you are fvcking pathetic.[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]Are you really that stupid?AmazonTreeBoa
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