Arbiterisl33t69's forum posts
I'm not sure what to think of the multiplayer, it's fun and all. But it feels almost too easy to get kills.
Indeed, for the first time i'm a great Halo player! I always kill 20+ and die 6 or 7 times. That said, it can't be 'easy' for everyone. Going by logic, every time you have a possitive K/D ratio, others in your game would have a negative one.
Opposite for me. First time I'm a barely decent Halo player and not the one carrying my team all the time like I used to be all the time.Beat Legendary solo. Thought it wasn't too hard. UNTIL the very last part of the last mission. The first floating structure to the left where you have to insert Cortana so she can infect the first shield or w/e the hell it is she's doing. The upper corridor which has like 7 Promethean Knights. All of my rage. ALL. OF. IT. I probably died like 20 times. What pissed me off the most is that there was no checkpoint. You had to kill all of them in one go.
The pvssy ass Knights with their Scattershots and their Incineration Cannons and their sh!tty turrets and their stupid ass camping and infinite Pulse Grenade supply. UGH. So much RAGE
Also, I find myself being frustrated with the MP more and more progressively. The lag, the JiP into one-sided games, the fact that it feels like games are always one-sided and never really good games, the fact that it feels that I always get paired with the sh!tty teams for some spectacular fvcking reason, Big Team being useless because one team always camps on one side and nobody ever really moves around the map because we all spawn with DMRs so it's pointless (that and remember: no more weapon spawning control).
Ragnarok is always the same: One team camps the middle upper-hill section and Pelican. Always. In Longbow it's always the central building. The maps are very mediocre and there are more crappy maps than good maps. Abandon is a piece of sh!t built specifically for campers. Complex is blegh. Solace is meh. Ragnarok I'm just so tired of. Haven is alright. Adrift is so-so.
I played Reach the other day just to see how much more fun I would have with the game. Back then I really didn't like the game, but after this unpredictable unHalo-like mess of a MP that is Halo 4, Reach really did feel like Halo. I own at that game. In fact, I dare say it's better than Halo 4. I don't know. Initial impressions for Halo 4 were high, but now I'm just not really feeling it. I've come to the realization that Halo 4 isn't even Halo anymore. It feels nothing like what Halo used to be. Even Reach feels more like Halo.
Maybe I'm just frustrated with the MP overall and dying and losing a lot. I just needed to vent. Mind you I still have like a 1. 5 K/D but I can't believe how there are people with K/Ds higher than 2 or 3. Do they just camp all the time or have the luck to play against n00bs all the time? Seriously, feels like I'm paired up against MLG Pros all the time. The thing is, in Halo 3 and Reach, I could hold my own against them pretty well. In Halo 4, that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe it's because this game is just so much more punishing if you play alone. But every time I try to play as a teammate, the rest of my team is with their heads up their asses not knowing the first thing about teamwork, assistance, calling out, etc.
Another thing: rarely anyone plays with their mics on. I remember a lot more active mics in the days of Halo 3 and even Reach to some extent. But Halo 4? Nothing. Nada. Zip. I guess I just have to play with a friend if I wanna win.... ever. But a lot of them are playing Black Ops II and AC3 and stuff and the ones playing Halo 4 suck usually. Ugh.
You obviously know nothing about himHe's just a really boring and dull character. Samus is a million times better.
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