1. Short Introduction:Hi.
2. GS Name: Arc166.
3. Real Name: Unlikely that you'll ever know.
4. Position In FFE: Recruit currently.
5. Gender: Male.
6. Date of Birth: The 7th of February, 1992.
7. Place of Birth: Somewhere.
8. Height: I don't know.
9. Weight (jk): I also don't know this.
10. Ethnicity: White, it likely doesn't mean skin colour, but whatever.
11. Current Location of Residence: Somewhere.
12. Religion: Any that seems Worth believing, incidentally none.
13. Job: Student.
14. Personality: I'm me, not a predetermined type of person.
15, Habits/Mannerisms: Varies, generally I don't pay enough attention to myself to know.
16. Girl/Boy Friends: I have several, unless you mean in a more intimate relationship than general friendship, in that case I haven't been in one for a while.
17. Pets: They have legs each,16 total.
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: It would be arrogant to go around looking for specific traits in people I meet, thankfully I'm quite arrogant according to me, maybe... not really. I say not touching me without my consent is quite a nice thing.
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: A really shiny light... you mean what do I avoid, as far as personalities go? Several people, but it's the people I dislike and not a particular trait they all share.
20. Consoles Owned: Xbox 360, PS3, WII, Game cube, DS and Gameboy advance. I may be forgetting something.
21. How Long Have You Played Games: I can't remember.
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: 1, 2, 3 (DS), 4, 4 (DS) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2 11, 12, Tactics (PSP), Tactics Advance, Tactics Advance 2. And a few ported versions of the previously mentioned titles.
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be:If I were a final fantasy character, I'd be someone who's entire being is under the direct control of some Japanese guy, no thanks.
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