@Tidus1012: They sure do. Its terrible internet and even the mobile phone networks stink. The wholesale mobile phone networks are even worse. For claiming to be a modern country they are backwards alot
Its far from a metal gear and nothing shown from any trailer has interested me. I feel like Hideo puts more energy into playing surprise with his leaks rather than inputting them into his game possibly. Used to love his games which had an amazing plot from start to end but since mgs4 it just feels the story telling has been going down hill. With a lack of plot shown or mentioned to go by in DS I dont think its looking great
Great news and I hope it passes. F lootboxes they dont belong in any game let alone pay to win also. If you pay for a game you should be able to beat it start to finish without a crazy grind or having to pay or worse having to buy refuel tanks etc to keep playing it for more than 10mins.
If this passes just imagine how even console games like mortal kombat 11 can be patched and corrected. goodbye to the stupid grind and random generated chests and stupid tower of times. Oh how one can only pray for gaming to return to how it was inteded and not a casino type of cash grab to fund devs more and more money than they really deserve
But is it true what I saw on the news that Margot is given very little lines and is just there for the looks? To cast a key figure and not have them talk seems odd
Could feel like mgs5 with Keifer Sutherland being a mute lead character in a game that has the heaviest story telling in the industry
Bummed its set in the past again trying to change the future. Wish Cameron would give up and just stick to the future war. An R rated heavy war against the machines future war and showing the finale and victory against the machines
@izraal: Im not so sure its a vocal minority I think majority werent happy. Everyone in my office we have a group chat weekly its buzzing on the messenger app we all use entire office wide not 1 enjoyed it. Neither do any of my friends or wifes friends and family etc. Im yet to hear from someone that said yep season 8 was good Im happy with the ending. Everyone is saying they had 2 years what a let down the writers just wanted to be edgy and go the non predictable with no reason route just for shock value rather than plot sense
Gosh D&D, the cast and this boss are in dream world. Using the excuse it was impossible to write a script that everyone would enjoy is impossible is idiotic. Its not about pleasing everyone but when majority are saying season 8 was bad and the finale was bad, too many pointless plots or explanations not given and asking for a redo then you know you messed up. Its not a minority here that think it ended bad they should take that as a hint and stop being in denial. They failed at the end simple as that
Wow switch is a new console kinda compared to the other big 2 and that game list already looks like nintendo has run out of ideas. buy a console for the year 1 or year 2 span of games then hold onto it for another 6 games replaying those sad games at top dollar all up. ouch I expected more and better from nintendo to keep pushing it at least till the consoles final 2 years or so. Didnt expect it to run out this early on
Ouch cant say I am looking forward to anything there. New IPs dont sound appealing but I guess will have to see what they have and those returning IPs are really franchises that I dont care about nor want to play. Going to go retro this year it seems and play a bunch of classics instead
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