This is why I hate locked saves and content to a username or console. Couldve been avoided if they allowed game save sharing like the good ol days. Good for those who couldnt beat a game on extreme mode to unlock some items or characters or parts. Good if you lost your save, good if you bought a new console to replace your faulty one.
Fingers crossed Terminator ends up being good. Fingers crossed for a movie after next year also showing the entire future war setting with Connor VS Skynet pleaseeeeeeee.
As for the other movies dont really care for them its about terminator for me
Damn no wonder lady gaga fans hijacked fake reviews about the movie. Sucked in to them they can eat it now Im laughing they must be so salty gotta see the same posters what else they wrote at this news
Want to own one but not for a full price theres only a handful of games I like on it if that. Ill wait for next gen to pick up a used version. I welcome a new and better screen and more power if possible and battery life however I hope it is smaller I see these on the train and they are huge I would like a smaller portable version. the 3ds still holds up well for travels
Its too bad the movie is not called X. Not a fan of OG megaman the X series wouldve been interesting to be told in the big screen. I see the OG megaman games they are cringe worthy at best with dialogue I can just picture roll talking like Jojo where you want to tape her mouth shut
Its good it is reviewing well enough for the OG Megaman fans but I wish Capcom would put focus into the Megaman X series instead which is a zillion times better than the OG Megaman franchise. We need a Megaman x9 way way more than a Megaman 11 or 12 or 13. Feel so gutted they neglect the X franchise Im itching for a decade for an x9, x10, x11 etc. One can only hope this franchise gives them funds to dip the waters for an x9 game finally
Doesnt matter what they do itll flop anyway trailer doesnt look good and that saga isnt wow power and a movie with Sophie Turner says it all. Also of course it did well in China its a bigger population and movie trailers have a good chance to be shown alot there. Plus the word Phoenix is usually some mytho thing there they probably got the attention from that thinking it was some other movie. Just give it to Disney and reboot the series do a age of apocalypse movie reboot and pray its done right and avoid the phoenix saga we dont need a 3rd reboot of that saga
Archangel2222's comments