And this is why I hope future consoles never go digital. They shut down the servers one day and then what? Its not just the saves but games also we moving game data to external hdd's or sometimes replacing faulty hdds or consoles you get it digital and you want the game back in the future then what?
The last game that I found really fun in the series to be honest. Afterwards it just went south to me and yes includes black flag never been a fan of pirating or sailing I prefer the OG trilogy of being an assassin.
Origins was ok but didnt feel like the templars were the big bad. I get it its the origins of the story but couldve used abit more context with Juno and Minerva and the super race before man etc. The next game Im iffy on also and the rumours about the first bunch of hours being a love story is iffy in this world unless she is a templar just for an interesting plot twist
just hope there are no more more powerful consoles 3 years after release thats just a kick in the nads to the fans. 1 console for a gen simple please.just hope it doesnt require an internet connection always and the controller battery life is better and bigger HDDs and no cloud gaming only discs are still the way to go. takes me forever to download gb worth of patches these days let alone a game
Oh man I want to play this game this week and Yakuza Kiwami 2 but Im still enjoying the retro collection of megaman x legacy collection. I guess the good thing is once Im bored of the X collection these games will be cheaper and drop in price
How do you wrestling fans know that this is to get Roman over? I mean for godsake for like 5 years thats all ive been hearing, any story angle, any team up, any beatdown, any win, any DQ oh its Romans fault its a ploy to get him over. Do we have a mic on vince to confirm all this fake news? Anyone actually think this may be part of the plan months and months ago or years ago? Its not like they come up with the scripts weekly. Reunion got derailed before because of injuries so they kickstarted it again so whats the problem? shield is awesome nuff said stop crying like everything is to get Roman over its a good feud period
says you gamespot. shield is awesome and I welcome it, that raw episode was interesting and the beef the raw roster has against the shield is interesting too. the 3 of them work really well together I get that its the hip thing to boo the face and cheer the heel but its making me cringe so bad at how the spoilt the fans seem and so nerdy I hope the shield takes every belt just to rub salt on all of them. used to prefer heels more now not so much
So no dlc for carnage or venom. man they really couldve used those characters in this game. plus the venom movie by sony releases this year its free hype and advertising for the character both for game and movie. dumb move to not include them
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