@Carpetfluff: same way other game companies survive, they find a team. its the basics of every company around the world in order to turn a profit you find competent workers. someone leaves no worries you find a replacement its the basics of running a business Im sure konami can go look out for a team. Hideo and his team were not having a good track record of late hence replace and find a good writing team to test the waters and for fan opinion. get the script reviewed etc
@dorog1995: i think the entire game didnt have much dialogue. its a shame keifer did an awesome job with what little lines he had, way way better than alot of ppl its why he is a pro. felt like big boss had awesome character and they didnt use him. such a shame i wanted to love this game as being the best in the franchise yet its far from it for me. a dust collecting game
Would rather they put the fox engine to make a new metal gear game. Or remake to original msx games. or better yet reboot the gameboy color ghost babel game and use that as an alternate timeline to continue it. Not a fan of part 5 felt it was far from a metal gear game. Bring back cutscene heavy story telling thats what made this franchise awesome, and bring back boss fights part 5 was rubbish in both these fronts
Why are you praising it gamespot? thats just disrespectful to croatia and its fans. while on yahoo they are slamming it you are laughing it off as yeah this is awesome from fortnight. no its not, hes done this before to other teams its childish and harsh he needs to show class especially as a champion, you just do not do that infront of the fans grandstand especially an underdog team like croatia really, no one picked them to win, no one picked them to get that far so probs to them but again thats like taunting a team youre expecting to stomp through. whats next lebrons going to do dances with the lakers when he beats the magic, bulls, spurs etc?
Man that is so awesome, makes me think this will be an awesome movie made by the fox engine or as an anime if Hollywood wont make a real life version. Any film is better than no film the art looks neatttttttttttt
noooooooooooo. over rated movie now theyll just make a 3rd or 4th movie. its really trash. Cant stand how they make unrealistic movies they think they know how dinosaurs will behave they dont pause for a long time showing teeth to the humans and roaring or walking past them. no animal in the kingdom that is a predator does that. believe me if a trex or raptor saw a human they wont be stupid to be so slow to take a chunk of them. hollywood has this obsession to make the screnes more horror with stupid animals rather than believable killing machines
I like the art style and I get its more for kids but would love this method in an X game and then a Zero game even. We have had OG megaman games out but its been too long since a X and Zero game
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