The voice acting and music and sequences looked so cheesy. Its like the devs said I know how we can sell it, lets make it all edgy and gimmicky. Not sold on it nah
I still dont know what games they are and if they are even that good to sell me on a console but goodluck to them, by the time they make the games itll be the end of the console generation but I guess they are working for the next gen to have exclusives ready. also what happened to ryse wasnt that game going to get a part 2? classic MS no idea about games
They said that Alexanders sword or was it staph was a relic from the old world and a piece of eden. Wouldnt be surprised if he was the main villian I guess
wwe sucks now. roman shouldve won it like it or not the guy is also a workhorse like it or not gotta give him some respect he isnt a bad guy I get it may not be a fan favourite to the local US market but still a better full time champ over boring brock is better at this stage. dumb wwe very dumb
Also Im still playing this and cant unlock 100% of the roster yet its so grindy and was trying my best and wanted to get everything maxed out eventually, guess Ill never find out and get the chance challening the bots in online mode
What a joke to shut it down so soon. Feel sorry for all the people who paid real cash for unlocks and gems what a waste it is now. Seems like they just wanted to steal money from the public to fund some project. boycott capcom this is shameful surely they can laywer up this is bad practice and why i hate mobile gaming and online only games because this can happen. how can you demand money to sell a product you think will be around for ages only to last 6 months thats just a joke
I hope this movie breaks the video game curse. Like superheros did in 2000 after people hated comics. If it does well I sure hope to see more video game movies being made and done well because the current generation in hollywood has zero clue how to make them. Love metal gear and if it tanks the franchise does not deserve it its based on cinimatics half the work for hollywood is done already they cant fail it, can they?
Prefer the gameplay of the chains of olympus than the stupid axe and baby sitting a kid all game long. If anything the new game is boring and yes Ive seen enough leaked gameplay footage of the game on youtube to call it boring
Archangel2222's comments