@dudebropartyyo: Agreed to me Grid and Driveclub had the best AI they fought for position and wish they could defend at times on harder modes too when you attack them. Its too bad not many other racers do this. I also enjoyed these games because if you paid attention to the starting grid that is not how the race ended, most racers even in todays standards how the grid is at the starting line that is how it ends and I always hated it it was just you over taking them on rails
@IgotHigh13: I hear you, my regret was also getting mgs5, wish I saw a lets play vid of it first because its my big regret buying into the hype of the trailers and enjoying every other game before it
This game is going to tank and blow. Metal gear soul is to be cutscene and story heavy not even mgs5 had this and felt lifeless to the metal gear fans. Konami is getting lazy and stupid, remake the msx, ps1 and gameboy color game please or remake mgs3 with the fox engine too
Who cares I got bored of Driveclub, GT agesssss ago, PCars and Assetto Corssa. They all had things going for them pros and cons but sims are boring. I have to admit I prefer the need for speed games and cant wait for the next, fun modes fun racer dont care its an arcade game its fun thats what matters, nice track and level design and good enough car selection and excellent car customization. running from cops is fun too. also bring back burnout its long overdue
Its sad MGS is my fav franchise of all time but I enjoyed Ground Zeros more than MGS5 :( . Shouldve been the GOAT game on the ps4 like mgs1 and mgs3 were for their consoles instead it was the most over rated game for me and most boring by far did not enjoy it past the first hospital mission went down hill from there plot and cutscene was. It just didnt have the mgs soul from previous games
@wolfpup7: Cant blame hollywood they bombed Salvation to say that era as a whole is not interesting and wont work. Its like video games. Not sure if you played metal gear solid. Compare the 3rd one in the ps2 era to the ps4 mgs5 game. 3 is by far the better of the game but that doesnt mean that 5 couldve been better in that time line and era just because the developer made it stink the fans would still wish it delivered after all those hyper trailers. Even Salvation had awesome trailers that hyped alot of people waiting for the trilogy knowing this was 2016 and there was decades of story to unfold
Anyone read the Terminator Salvation comics which were meant to continue after the movie? The 2x novels were sooooo good to think if Bale and co didnt mess it up that wouldve been the end of the planned story loop. I prefer SM Stirlings Future War version and would loveeeeeee for it to be done by Hollywood but Im cool with the comic version too. Just want to see that final battle and defeat with Skynet. Wont spoil the comic story but if any Terminator fans I do recommend it it has a good twist at the end
@noshotskill: Nah as a fan I want it to always return but before they start rebooting the story they need to close the first one. Most people want a proper future war to see how the battle plays out and ends but Hollywood seem to be obsessed with sending ppl back in time over and over again. I mean Linda is back now shell be old, whats next she is in the future and rather than her and middle ages John fighting Skynet they send her back in time to the 90s again to stop it in that era? its been done too much and confusing causal fans with what is really happening with the plot
Happy for the news but leave it in the future war setting only. They dont need to go back in time. I swear if Cameron starts preaching this hippie anti nuke theme again trying to go back in time to change the past Ill be done with this franchise for good and this is my fav movie franchise of all time. Like so many terminator fans just want the original story arch completed and time loop closed. No back in time, no changing the past, just future, man vs machine please
No Xmen characters no buy for me. Cant have a marvel roster with no xmen. I know alot may be over it because they were in other games but seriously they practically are marvel itself and made for this game
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