So since its capcom can I expect this so called Story trailer to be part of another DLC update that will come out 6months after the games release?
Also what is with that weird tongue venom type creature? Its like most of that story was about that so many shots of it like every scene is fighting that thing
@Hak: maybe but neither of them love her. Im guessing her and Jon do have a thing however her ideas and "maddness" will cause him to do something against her. as for every post above and below saying Dany will win if she dies all these seasons are a waste etc thats how this show works since where does it say she has to win or will win? not all endings are good or have to be
@flyersfan87: Not if she is turning into her father. I doubt shell let her throne slip away to Jon. If anything she just really might go mad and be killed by another character within her circle. Shes starting to go crazy now imagine when she finds out she was doing all this work for nothing
Would love the graphics and game style to be made in a teknoman fighting game or side scroller with a boss fight after each level. Blade VS Sabre omg Im dead
@berzerk0912: not me, every SF game Ill wait for reviews to confirm if they have an offline arcade mode cause if it doesnt I wont buy it like I skipped sf5. For fighting games Ive moved onto other franchises like mk which hasnt let me down at least I get my moneys and thrills worth. each to their own
So does this game have a true offline arcade mode yet? I was following this game since that June story update they released expecting an Arcade mode after 6months of this game release only not to get it I forgot all about this game and still have. Is it strictly online only and offline players are neglected by capcom who are focusing on more stages and ugly dlc skin for money releases?
And please dont tell me they have offline modes like training and challenges they are hot garbage modes
If Sony is that dumb to release consoles so soon and fast and to "half step" then goodbye console gaming. We dont spend half a grand on consoles to get half power eventually the fans will feel jipped and turn on them and itll hurt the brand and sales. At this rate happy to go on team Nintendo if they keep doing this. Not happy with MS and Sony releasing more powerful consoles so soon so if they keep at it no worries Nintendo can just keep doing what they are doing and theyll have more support over time
No Dodge Viper during its final year of production :( no Ferrari I get it they are expensive but come on now be a big baller in the gaming world devs and spend alittle to get more in return. No supra, 86, BRZ, R35, Lambos. Have to say expected more I enjoyed Assetto Corsa and Grid car lineups more.
Shivers so many lotus cars in a racing game is just not the way to go
Archangel2222's comments