@fig56: There is no arcade mode lol. Capcom is just dumb they dont know what we mean by Arcade mode. They state that Story mode and survival mode are arcade mode when really its 2 different things.
@alucardswrath: yep and the "elitest" online players are in disillusion about the state of this game and have zero care about playing a game for entertainment value and just focus on 1 dimensional game play versing another play around the world only. They dont realise it hurts the sales, the games online population because with offline play itll attract new players to practice and then jump online and hurt capcom in getting money to keep adding to this game or the next.
@Bray209: With how backwards the world is these days its no surprise that capcom is among that crew. The more they speak the past 6 months and counting the more dumb they sound. Its really mind boggling how they do not understand
I dont agree with Story mode being a turning point for offline players. Its a mode you will play like 2-4 times maybe and knowing capcom doubt the story will be worth that much time. Plus it FORCES you to use the set characters they pick for that mode and itll only be a couple fights most likely 1 round. Offline players want to use the main character they use and maybe 2-4 side characters to practice with and verse the AI over and over again in a gauntlet without having to go the main menu to keep changing opponents. Arcade mode is still what offline players want when will capcom realise this, sheesh 6 months they still cant answer that mode clearly or beat around the bush when asked it. This june update is not that significant and still doesnt change anything no wonder the world is trashing them and this game still
@pooya_d: How so? Even MS said they plan for Xbox cycle to last 8 years total, IF Scorpio releases next year people have 4 years to enjoy that console andddddddddd majority of the world have 1080p tvs not 4k tvs so there is no point in getting the console unless you spend thousands more on a new tv and its not worth it for a new tv. May as well wait 4 years for 8k content and 8k tvs at this rate. Also MS have to get better exclusive games, every e3 is a forza, halo or gears its nothing new. Look at Sony this year for e3 more new IPs and they do a better job at it
Great so every generation now expect a 2.0 version of that said console midway through the console life :( not good not good at all. Sounds like this is the way the industry is going, thanks apple
I want to get into this game Ill wait for reviews and lets play vids but the character design and bosses are meh to me. Why do they have to look so dull, boring and gloomy and sad? They goth or something? Emo maybe? I feel like the characters couldve looked better than this, even that black blindfold destroys it
@Triton: did you buy your consoles day1 or year 1 when released? Sorry man but thats a lie consoles were never released every 3 years lol. Snes lasted almost a decade before the ps1 was released. PS1 lasted 8 years 6-8 years before ps2 was released. PS2 lasted 8 years before the ps3 was released. PS3 lasted 6-8 years before ps4 was released. You mustve bought the consoles during the later years in the console life to make it seem that they lasted 3 years
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