Sweet not bad at all. I was happy with pes16 had more fun in it than fifa by a long shot. Fifa was good for a brief window but last year pes took the gold and seems like they might this year also.
I like how there are way too many costumes already, for a fighting game are the fans really that obsessed at what the fighter looks like? Mean while the rest of the world are waiting on the things to be fixed such as an arcade mode, rage quitting and I dunno all the boss and daily challenges they promised which stink. But its ok its capcom, glad to see they have this thing for bathing suits for women which seem to be priority 1 to release for an incomplete online only game for 7 months now
Why did they split the brands again. I hate it. Should be 1 world champ not 2. I hate splitting the talent because they cant feud with other rivals in other shows. Few years ago they finally merged it and created this ugly belt but at least talent paths can be crossed to give them time to shine, wwe just botched the story lines now instead they want to split the talent for what purpose. No one watches smackdown anyway its 2nd rate show anyone on that show wont get the same airtime and exposure as raw what is the point in making a name for yourself. bad move by wwe to split the brands............again
Nooooo not less episodes the next 2 seasons. I enjoy this show it won me over after thinking at first why is it popular. I hate how they cut the season length after waiting forever for it to start. Sure I dont want it to go forever you want to see the series end but as the show wraps up you dont cut the episodes down you ramp it up. Feels like at this point they are running out of ideas and are just rushing the last few seasons. I get it the books arent done yet but come on now dont make it too short
@Keaze_: they arent heard in america. trust me sth america, asia, europe, africa they know who they all are. They are common names. and FYI about the boxers below, they are big names and the main men who follow sports briefly know who GGG, Kahn and Canelo are. Die hard fans know for sure. Women no boxing isnt big for them anywhere
Doesnt matter Im more impressed with PES and cover star Neymar. That game had the better gameplay last year and found it way fun over fifa for the first time in 2 years. Konami stated they are improving the gameplay while EA are focusing on so called "story type" of mode. Ill take gameplay any day of the week so PES gets the money this year again
I still like this game and find it more fun than SF5 simply because of the content, I hope its another kombat pack but knowing troll boon I kinda think itll just be a reveal for another tournament or some prize money or something along that. I would be more stocked if they revealed mk11 at this stage
"And then if you're still wanting more on top of that, let your voice be heard. Give us constructive criticism of what you'd like to see next; this is a service we are building for our playerbase and we need to know what you want for the future. Please work with us collaboratively."
Ummm ok capcom. I would say millionsssssssss of people since this game released have been asking for Arcade mode. So how about for the trillionth time we voice that mode again. Are you listening now? Cause it sure doesnt seem like you are, 6 months and not one of your cronies has mentioned this mode outside we are looking into it. No confirmation saying yes we will bring the mode back, not even a rough time frame when to expect it. So there you go morons theres my contribution for a suggestion on constructive criticism, I hope people spam every board asking this surely someone there will read this and respond to it. Wish that game reviewers would even ask them face to face about this in interviews. Ask a capcom rep why they ignore our please for arcade mode, why they wont address it still
Archangel2222's comments