Only think each reviewer should mention is is it better than PES and if not or so why. Dont care about them talking about gameplay etc. Noticing some of those reviews some sites said PES is better gameplay wise while others said its on par with PES. So did anyone say it beat pes gameplay wise? If it didnt beat PES gameplay wise then how on earth can they score that high?
Sure I get that EA has the money to get more teams and stadiums and leagues etc but lets be real here does anyone play a league outside the elite euro leagues? And pes has champions league which is epic to play. Alot of my friends play fifa but dont follow actual football to understand the gameplay and just want high scoring easy to pick up games and prefer fifa and when I get them to try pes they say its too hard I hate the AI etc but thats their fault for sucking at it
Awesome mech suit designs like For Answer please, need Oblige, Ostava, White Glint etc. They need the suits to look bauss and ooze bad ***. Also the missions need to be longer and require effort, AI needs to be better and more boss fights please they are fun to play
Lastly a proper story, bring in cutscenes even like the For Answer intro that was epic. Dont want a voice telling me what the mission is and what happens after I beat the mission its too cheap for next gen gaming.
Sony have been getting lazy lately, not feeling the new exclusive IPs or other games, SF5 huge let down. I want Scorpio to succeed so that it lights a fire in Sony. After the ps3 debacle it was good to see them doing well with the ps4 early on but lately with this lead some on now they have really gotten lazy and holding back on everything. Current console gen is a let down not many must have games let alone games that have amazing stories with heavy cutscenes etc. ps1-2-3 all had this and ps4 has nothing, even uncharted was a let down story wise
Um cant say I heard anything different apart from the buzzers and announces. Not sure what to think about the crowd noise as some arenas are louder and more passionate for the team cheers than others. Wish every team had a soccer arena type of crowd where they have unique chants now that I can tell the difference from the audience.
@Sepewrath: Vinces money back, I still dont get the appeal with him, that constant suplex gimmick is old now I want him to be a wrestling machine again he was better before this stupid suplex fad. Vince and the crowds eat it up causing a part timer to be pushed, now he will get over RKO and rumors are prep him for another tittle push for 2017, cause thats what we need, a champion showing up when he wants and away from raw and smackdown to hold other full time wrestlers back with no chance to have a crack at brock
Considering that Del Rio and Paige got suspended at about the same time I doubt its roids, my guess is its a recreational drug probably weed. They seem the type lol. As for Eva wow stupid her wasnt she getting a push lately? way to tank your career and vanish again I doubt theyll push her back when she returns
I will check it out only because that last FF7 cgi movie got me interested I liked that movie, if it is anything like that and has an awesome final battle like that then I will like this movie and buy it if not well no pay
1) Bring back the ability to create and share themes like the ps3 instead of these dull and bland themes so that you can force people to buy themes. Im still yet to see a theme worth paying for I rather trust the public get creative as they put better effort than the pros
2) We dont give a hoot about trophies, they are what doomed gamesave sharing which was so much better. Was better to use if we had a faulty console and lost our data or you beat a game but cant clear it perfectly to unlock everything where you can just use a gamesave to enjoy the game with every perk unlocked after you beat it on your own. I dont pay attention to mine or others trophies and dont care what they get, its not like you get a prize for it at the end of the year
@cohums: could not agree more, Im all for soccer being a mans game and taking diving and soft tackles as fouls out of the game but in this game it was ridiculous
@vogtcha: they did, played both, clocked the most hours on pes. I didnt trust pro reviewers and asked for the fans feedbacks and got honest opinions so I tried both, my friend had fifa I got pes and pes won easily. my opinion naturally others prefer the licensing but I took the gameplay approach and challenging AI
Archangel2222's comments