Hollywood go F yourself please. They are asking people on what was good and bad about the movie to see how to proceed? Really now you are that stupid at your own job? Ok here you go why not bring the novel by SM Stirling T2 Future war to life. Just that 1 book, make it 1,2 or 3 part trilogy on it that final book was amazing and exactly how I picture the terminator skynet run future. You want to know what runs hollywood? Save yourself asking the people its not rocket science:
1) enough with the reboots
2) enough with going back in time to fix the past, future is set let the war play out, send the terminators and Rhyse back in time at the final end and your done
3) killer reboots, whats with the PG rated stuff, arms through chests, heads ripped off, violent war please
4) leave it in the future, stop going back in time like before, future war only
5)the world should look bleak with mankind desperate and john connor giving them hope. show death camps, show skynet using human scientists to develop r&d in exchange for comfort, shelter, food and their family safe and if they refuse a t800 threatening to kill the scientists daughter or son infront of them. show the twisted world where what would you do help your family or refuse and accept death than bow down to a tyrant.
6) show the future war even with plasmas, show t1000, t800 and even the TX roaming around battling against the resistance, why not even terminators turned and fighting FOR THE RESISTANCE for once?
7) make it a war movie doesnt need much dialogue and explanation, countless war movies worked with action and explosions
8) john connor sacrifice at the end, his future is set he dies when the resistance wins, show this vital sad scene, show an ending where 50 or 100 years from then his grandkids lay a reef at some statue or memorial where the entire world salutes john etc. mankind slowly rebuilding back to normal etc
Again hollywood if you want story ideas the Terminal Salvation final battle comics and SM Stirling future war I felt were the best adaptations to use
If the youngster will be the playable character I hope he inherits the blades of hades weapon. I dont want to use arrows, swords etc. Sure they can be used as alt weapons but its the blades that are what makes this game just love stringing the combos and chopping down bosses with them
Still not hyped with the dlc content. Im sorry but the game is a bust unless you play online and even then if you are not a tournament player you get bored of playing online and move onto other games real fast. Game lacks offline mode specifically arcade mode to at least get some decent mileage out of normal gamers who may feed the deep pockets of capcom but its funny how long this game has been released and capcom still neglect them. And I thought Konami was bad capcom takes the cake alongside them
Aww I was wishing they wouldnt focus on the present day as much and they did. I get it its more expensive to make it in the past with the setting and all but come on even in the game no one likes the present era and want to skip all that
@DarkRikuShadow: So far so good for me with the golds. Got them since day1 of the ps4 release and no problems, not sure if people are not taking care of them I have them sitting on my table always rarely fold them up and yeh sound, fit, its all fine still. I love the headsets but these 3d surround sound ones have my interest not sure if I should go for them or not. I dont have the ps4 pro or the vr so not sure if I can use it on my normal gaming ps4 setup as is and still hear this 3d surround sound I really would welcome it though
Can I ask a serious question here? Why do people want or use these ugly outfits? At this stage do we even want more outfits? There are sooooooo many of them its as if this game went from a fighting game to some high end fashion dresser game. I mean Ive seen soooooooo many bad designs and gimmick outfits why on earth would you want to fight in that attire let alone drop money on it? Do you even use it more than once? seems like a waste and waste of time and money to develop by capcom
Oh man weak story, well thats a deal breaker for me. If im playing a sandbox game and large open world and longggggg long longggggg game I need a story to keep me invested wanting to play on. Passing on this game its just not for me. Such a shame I really wanted to get into a FF game and try something new but yeh its not for me
Archangel2222's comments