Wish they could re-write the awful plot of MGS5 to save that game and make it as epic as all the other mg games. To me that 1 game feels neglected plot wise like it doesnt belong. They really botched the potential plot in that game. Everyone wanted a big boss against the world story where he losses it setting up the original mg game but nope they beat around the bush and did a swerve and what little plot there was made me think why does this all matter and why is it all so short. Seriously take away the plot from the lore and it changes nothing it was like they made a sequal for the sake of it not to actually tell a story or bridge a gap
Good news I still want a movie however I feel like if they could make a tv series instead itll be better based on the ENTIRE FRANCHISE since its too long to fit in a movie or 2. Would love for them to start from the 60s then to the distant future to end it all in a tv series. However Ill take a movie still. I just hope they do make it right. As for saying big budget pg13 please god no. Its a war movie, needs to push the envelope, torture scenes, child soldiers, experimentations, blood, headshots etc. doesnt have to be r but at least an m or ma rating please you cant tone down the message this franchise has with a pg rating. its terminator all over again with robots that dont kill
Predictions who wins and lives by the end, Olivia, the blond tall guy who is the father of the kid and the kid. them 3 make it out end up a happy family from a love story somehow while surprise surprise the scientist and black army vets get chopped down
@gamingdevil800: I have this feeling hell be his friend or save him somehow from another big bad. gosh I hope they dont make it a corny hes my pet angle hes not that bad of a guy give him a chance guyz
@Golden_Gonads: He is hes working with some other director but he will just oversee the project and give insight. I guess its better than nothing but I think he liked Genisis alot and he is pro save the earth I can see him trying to go back in time to change the future again like he intended with t2. Im kinda over that era. Just wish he would stick to the future and expanded on that saga. Be good if he put focus and made more than 1 in that era. Like how salvation had 2016 era, bullets, early terminators, then another one after with plasmas and the t1000 and tx and then end it with the 3rd being the final battle. But to me any terminator news is a good thing, be it comics, games, tv series Im all for it
Wait what? Avatar 5? Omg how many are they making? I love it how he made that many scripts for an over rated franchise avatar being the biggest grossing movie is misleading its not that great. Gosh I wish he wrote 5 scripts for the terminator series more so than Avatar. I really am not looking forward to the hollywood hype for 4 more Avatars thats just overkill
The sad truth is that James Cameron wants to go back in time and do a proper ending than do a future war. He said it himself he wants a good ending where judgement day is averted. While he can "maybe" give the movie a spin in the right direction I just dont want another car chase action packed back to the past movie to change the future
@Dieknochenblume: sad but true. I just wish they can close 1 story arch end it properly and then they can reboot the series all over again. They do it with all other franchises but it feels like terminator they just reboot it way too often than close 1 saga and start over fans will be okay with it theyre just waiting for an ending for once
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