Where can I find these spoilers? I like the anime movie that released but Im iffy on getting this game or not, seems way too long to play and I want to know the gameplay to story telling ratio? If its more gameplay itll feel like a grind and Ill pass and I want to see how good the story is if its bad? Its like metal gear, game mechanics were there but the gameplay to story ratio stank and the story stank period that it killed the fun out of that game where I regretted it. So yeh if someone can share links to where these spoilers are Ill be happy to check them out to make a judgement call to buy or pass on this game
@brandiesel: kinda agree, Im all for powerful consoles that can be as close to a pc for its time and price but Im iffy on it. Half way through a console gen has passed already, how many more years left before the next console gen, what if they release the next console gen sooner than we believe as they wanted to do in e3 a few years back stating they want to push next gen consoles sooner. also if this console releases and we are half way through the current gen what games will they release for it to maximise its use? games take what 2 or 3 years to make is it worth the investment and time to get a handful of games only before next gen already hits us? Im iffy on it too
The bigger question to ask now is how long will the current console gen last? As in XBOne and PS4, we are what 4 years in the console span I think and most of the time going by history the console generation is 6-8 years so therefore we are already half way in on the current console gen and iffffff the scorpio costs a large sum, Im guessing about the price of the ps3 when it first released maybe even more is it worth an investment if all you get is half a console gen of gaming before they release the xbox2 or ps5? seems like a bad deal to me and this console shouldve released day1 during the console gen. Seems better to save the cash and wait for the next gen of gaming as your half way through already
pewww. too bad he left wished he was in good terms with Konami, I hope 1 day they can work together again and retcon mgs5 and release a game with an actual mg worthy story this time. better yet remake the msx games and even the gameboy color game game with the fox engine please
SF5, who cares if you do not practice and play this game over and over again for tourney play its a useless game. Cant even call it a game they wouldve been better off releasing this on steam and psn store as an online multiplayer game for like $20 this isnt a proper console worthy game for a large user base and capcom keep neglecting them. Still no word on the modes and features the majority want to move copies off the shelves
I hate to say it but game developers these days can learn a thing or 2 from that era. You dont get games these days with story telling and a compelling script as the metal gear saga which is sad. Current gen gamers or PC gamers say blah blah story skip it its about gameplay, I dont know why we cant have games that have both. MGS5 couldve had both the gameplay improved but good lord did that story take a massive step back to garbage levels
@Xylymphydyte: ha funny how every gamer these days say that. What is wrong with playing a game if it tells a story? Cant a game have both? I swear current gen there is no game that is memorable plot wise, witcher, bloodborne, souls, uncharted everyone drops these games as good stories but they arent memorable. Honestly the most recent worthy story telling games are God of War, metal gear (not 5), halo, heavy rain etc. but they are last gen. Devs these days arent moving the gaming industry forward if they neglect story too, if they want to make it move forward they should be adding both
Fun game but I want more story focus more cutscenes. Gameplay is there sure they can tweak some things here and there but however about more story telling to go, more boss battles or iconic boss battles would be neat.
Archangel2222's comments