@mitchav66: Not true, just like people said all games will be digital no physical etc it just wont happen. Consoles will always be around for those who have no patience to constantly upgrade PC's. Prefer gaming on a lounge than a computer desk, prefer massive screens than computer screens that are a fraction of the size. Consoles are cheaper and most gamers are casual gamers they dont have time once they get older to enjoy pc and long lengthy games. Consoles will forever be around but if they start to pull out consoles every few years like the 80s with computers itll confuse ppl on what to get and itll cause a crash. the 6-10 year console span cycle will be fine and the top players will keep doing them they will just release slightly powerful ones every few years
Is it safe to ask how long will this last before the next console or so called next gen after? Isnt it better since we are half way through a console gen to just sit tight what you have and wait for the next batch already? Or am I going to be flammed now for speaking such blasphemy I see alot of pro MS posts here. Shields up
well derp of course they have big plans its a new console but the question is outside the same main franchise games from MS will they show something NEW. Sony so far has been releasing a good amount of exclusive games that have been pretty solid. Yakuza lately was a pleasant surprise and end of the day even with graphics looking like last gen its a great game on its own where I cant wait for future installments and yakuza 6. I wish MS had that ability to make me wanting new exclusives to try out but its always the same. forza, halo, fable, gears and neither of them are games I care about anymore
Hopefully they make the next movie better and more mature in a way and less cringe worthy. I remember when the green ranger first showed up as the bad guy the show became super interesting everyone at school would talk about it. the episodes were amazing it was good to see the good guys challenged
55seconds in notice the poor game play from the AI? The car slammed the breaks on a straight so it wont over take the other AI infront of it on a STRAIGHT. Its another typical GT game where its boring gameplay it wont challenge you, just an over take simulator bahhhhhhh. Pass on this game
@russianhacker37: Love it how capcom fans said arcade mode is coming in the june update just stick around and wait. nope never happened been over a year and capcom still wont address it. lets not forget how capcom on the capcom forum site said guys we want to improve the game post what you all want and the public posted for arcade and got nothing and not even a response from them. they have great feedback ask the public for ideas but dont communicate back with them
@rarerichz: wow you are so cool youre a real fighter. since when are netherealm games rubbish lately? if anything they have been selling well and scoring well. yeh it plays different but who cares. thats like sport or racing games there are so many just enjoy it for what they have to offer and i agree with darth mk and injustice are the complete game. i dont really care about frames a second, pokes, jabs etc. mkx and mk9 i have clocked more hours into them than sf5 and had more fun in them. sure sf5 may play more like a tourny fighter but does it mean i have more fun with it hell naw the more complete games are nrs games at this stage and blame capcom for that
What matters the most is WILL IT HAVE AN ARCADE MODE ON RELEASE? All these promises on sf5 being updated with modes and stuff is a lie once they did the core stuff they just focused on costume packs and characters added. Buy everything and it costs a fortuneeeeeeeeeee and sf5 still has no arcade mode in sight. even the online community now wants an arcade mode the player list is dropping
@Megamandrew: but the mgs4 story did make sense. they just hated the excuse because governments and the patriots developed nanomachines that could control the mind like a drug which can then control the human body to do super natural things, which doesnt explain how the cobras had theirs before this tech, go figure. however the story, character interactions, developments, from ocelot with snake, naomi with otaco, meryl with cambell, snake and big boss at the end. mgs4's plot was not hard to follow and was very very entertaining people just did not like it because they felt it was too many cut scenes too little gameplay and for some reason hated shadow mosses, hated the prague chapter even though I felt it was okayish once you found evas base. i still replayed mgs4 and got goosebumps out of it still after like the 10th play through more while mgs5 to this day I do not want to replay or watch a lets play of it again thats how bad it is. even ground zeroes with the 2x cutscenes beginning and end are way better and felt more metal gearish than phantom pain has
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